小作文:bar chart and line chart(动态组合图)
大作文:In some countries,the difference in age between parents and children is generally greater than it was in the past.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 朗阁名师王晓凤点评 1. 本次考试难度简单。 2. 整体分析:
Task 1:动态柱图和折线图 注意::
1.需要注意分析图中不同项目之间的关系,以及各自的变化趋势多样化; 2.注意时态;
4.需要在第二段或者结尾段总结数据的总体特征(overview)。 相关表达:
1. 上升、下降的相关表达:
上升grow, climb, soar, increase, rise, boom
下降 drop, fall, sink, dip, decrease, decline, slump, reduce 波动 fluctuate, shift, fluctuation, wave, ups and downs 相同 be similar to; be comparable with; be matched with 更小 smaller, minor, less or fewer 更大 bigger, larger, better
程度 dramatically, significantly, progressively, gradually, sharply; hugely; enormously; steeply; substantially, considerably, slightly, slowly, moderately, minimally 2. 倍数关系的相关表达:
两倍:double, two times, twofold 三倍:triple, three times, threefold 四倍: quadruple, four times, fourfold
Task 2 社会类话题
从结构上来说,可以通过四段完成写作任务: 开头段:改写题目+给出个人观点 主体段一:分析优势 主体段二:分析缺点 结尾段:总结并重申个人观点 Introduction:
我认为利大于弊。make best efforts to protect all species Body 1:
晚育不仅对人们的财政状况有利,还对心理方面有利。Late childbirth benefits not only people’s financial status but also their mental health. 1.从经济角度而言,financially speaking,一般来说,一个人工作的时间越长,经验会越丰富,收入也会更高,normally working in an area longer means more experience and higher income,对这些人来说,他们就能为抚养孩子做好经济上的准备,economic preparation.因为不得不说,现在养育一个孩子的成本确实太高了。It costs a million to raise a child.拿我的家乡南京来说,养育一个孩子每个月平均需要5000元左右,the average cost is around 5000 yuan ,
包含奶粉,教育等等including food and education。所以根据最新的调查,南京人平均结婚年龄已经超过30岁therefore, according to a new report, the average age for first marriage is over 30,which means that these people at this age are more financially ready to start their own family. 2.从心理角度而言mentally speaking,年龄越大,人们懂得的知识越多
understand more,心理越成熟more mature,越能够面对养育孩子过程中产生的困难cope with the difficulties in parenting。并且对很多晚育人来说,他们在更年轻的时候,已经充分享受到了一个人的自由时光fully enjoy their freedom to chase their dreams, pursue their careers or experience various lives,因此他们更容易安定下来it is easier for them to settle down once they decide to do so 。相反,对于那些早早就结婚生子的人来说for those who had children early when they were like kids,他们在自己还像孩子的时候做了父母,把所有精力都用来照顾孩子devote all the energy to looking after their children,会觉得自己的生活有遗憾they might feel like something missing in their life。 Body 2:
晚育的最大问题是很多父母感觉随着自己年龄的增长,到照顾孩子力不从心。Physically speaking,older parents generally feel incapable of caring a newborn. 35岁的新妈妈和25的妈妈相比,精力就会差很多,生完孩子以后身体的恢复也不会那么快。Compared with a 25-year-old new mum, a 35-year-old is not so energetic and won’t recover from childbirth as quickly.孩子小的时候都特别好动,父母要经常跟着跑,年龄大的父母就会很容易觉得疲惫。When kids are young,they are full of energy and like to move about, so parents will need enough energy to deal with them. Indeed,older parents will easily feel exhausted. Conclusion:
In conclusion,就我个人而言晚育优势更加明显,不可否认也有一些人选择不生育,这也是应该被尊敬的。It is undeniable that some people choose not to have children, which should also be respected.每个人可根据自身的实际情况,来决定是否生育,何时生育。Whether and when to have children 考试预测