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International Economics —gh Edition Instructor s Manual



OUTLINE 7.1 In troduct ion

7.2 Growth of Factors of Product ion

7.2a Labor Growth and Capital Accumulati on Over Time 7.2b The Rybcz yn ski Theorem

7.3 Tech ni cal Progress

7.3a Neutral, Labor-Sav ing, and Capital-Savi ng Tech ni cal Progress 7.3b Technical Progress and the Nation's Production Frontier

Case Study 7-1: Chan ges in Relative Resource En dowme nts of Various Coun tries and Regi ons

Case Study 7-2: Change in Capital-Labor Rati ons in Selected Coun tries 7.4 Growth and Trade: The Small Co un try Case

7.4a The Effects of Growth on Trade

7.4b Illustrati on of Factor Growth, Trade, and Welfare 7.4c Tech ni cal Progress, Trade, and Welfare

Case Study 7-3: Growth of Output per Worker from Capital Deepe ning, Tech no logical Chan ge, and Improveme nts in Efficie ncy 7.5 Growth and Trade: The Large-Co untry Case

7.5a Growth and the Nati on's Terms of Trade and Welfare 7.5b Immiserizi ng Growth

7.5c Illustration of Beneficial Growth and Trade

Case Study 7-4: Growth, Trade, and the Gia nts of the Future 7.6 Growth, Change in Tastes, and Trade in Both Nati ons

7.6a Growth and Trade in Both Nations

7.6b Change in Tastes and Trade in Both Nations

Case Study 7-5: Change in the Revealed Comparative Advantage of Various Countries or Regi ons

Case Study 7-6: Growth, Trade, and Welfare in the Leadi ng In dustrial Nati ons Appe ndix:

A7.1 Formal Proof of Rybcz yn ski Theorem A7.2 Growth with Factor Immobility

(1994466961.doc) 7-1 Dominick Salvatore

International Economics —gh Edition Instructor s Manual

A7.3 Graphical An alysis of Hicksia n Tech ni cal Progress

Key Terms Comparative statics An titrade product ion and con sumpti on Neutral product ion and con sumpti on Dyn amic an alysis Normal goods

In ferior goods Bala need growth

Rybcz yn ski theorem

(1994466961.doc) 7-2 Dominick Salvatore

International Economics —gh Edition Instructor s Manual

Labor-sav ing tech ni cal progress Capital-sav ing tech ni cal progress Protrade producti on and con sumpti on

Terms-of-trade effect Wealth effect

Immiseriz ing growth

Lecture Guide 1.

This is not a core chapter and it is one of the most challenging chapters in international trade theory. It is in cluded for more adva need stude nts and for complete ness.

If I were to cover this chapter, I would prese nt two sect ions in each of three lectures. Time permitting, I would, otherwise cover Sections 1 and 2, paying special attention to the Rybcz yn ski theorem.


An swer to Problems 1.

a) See Figure 1. b) See Figure 2 c) See Figure 3. 2. 3.

See Figure 4. a) See Figure 5. b) See Figure 6. c) See Figure 7. 4.

Compare Figure 5 to Figure 1.

Compare Figure 6 to Figure 3. Note that the two product ion fron tiers have the same vertical or Y intercept in Figure 6 but a different vertical or Y intercept in Figure 3.

Compare Figure 7 to Figure 2. Note that the two product ion fron tiers have the same

horiz on tal or X in tercept in Figure 7 but a differe nt horiz on tal or X in tercept in Figure 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

See Figure 8 on page 66. See Figure 9. See Figure 10. See Figure 11. See Figure 12.

See Figure 13 on page 67.

(1994466961.doc) 7-3 Dominick Salvatore



