9A Unit 1 Know yourself教案
Integrated skills
l从书面和口语形式中了解生肖、星座与性格的关系。 2学会谈论一个人的性格。 教学内容 四会内容
词汇:calenda r animal sign appear fixed lively star sign divide shape 词组:appear in a fixed order every 12 years in all
decide your personality the Year of the Rabbit divide...into...
词汇:lunar represent powerful cycle practical loyal
句型:Some people believe that people born under the same animal sign may have similar
It is you who shape your life and your future.
词组:the Chinese lunar calendar represent a lunar year a cycle of 教学准备 1生肖图片。 2配套磁带或光盘。 背景知识
生肖也称属相,用来代表人的出生年份的十二种动物。在我国,十二生肖是由十一种源于自然界的动物即鼠、牛、虎、兔、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪以及传说中的龙所组成。 在我国古代,时间的分割以十二累进,一纪十二年,一年十二个月,一日十二个时辰。 “十二”被视为传达天意的“天之大数”。在古代的历法中,甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸被称为“十天干”,子、丑、寅、卯、辰、已、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥叫作“十二地支”。二者按固定的顺序互相配合,组成了干支纪年法。天干地支在我国古代用于记录时刻、日期、月份、年代等。后人将十二生肖与地支相结合,称子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。
有人认为生肖或星座可以决定性格和命运,但其实人生道路是由自己决定的。 教学步骤
A What decides your personality? Step I导入
1教师呈现课本第15页A1部分的生肖图,并向学生提问:What can you see in the picture?鼓励学生说出这是一幅生肖图。在基础较好的班级,教师可以让学生说出各个生肖的英文名称;在基础较弱的班级,教师可以带领学生朗读生肖的英文名称。
2鼓励学生说说这些动物的特性。教师问:What do you think of monkeys/dogs/…?引导学生说出:They are clever/loyal/…
3教师板书并教授新词汇和新词组:lunar calendar、animal sign、represent、appear、fixed order、cycle,powerful、lively、practical、loyal等。
4向学生解释中国的生肖是根据出生年份而定的,而西方国家的星座则是根据出七日期来定的。 Step II听力
1让学生阅读A1部分的内容,试着把尽可能多的信息填在A2部分Millie的笔记上。 2教师播放录音,中间不停顿。告诉学生第一遍不要动笔,对广播内容有总体了解即可。再次播放录音,要求学生根据所听内容完成A2部分的其余填空。 Tapescript Part A2 Host:Do you know who you really are? What decides your personality? In the Chinese 1unar calendar, there are 12 animal signs. Each of them represents a lunar Year, and the cycle repeats every 12 years. Some people believe that people b()m under the same animal sign may have similar personalities. For example, they think those born in the Year of the Rabbit are more careful. while those born in the Year of the Dragon are very powerful. In Western countries.a year is divided into a cycle of 12 star signs,and it repeats every year. Your star sign depends on your date of birth. Some people believe that your star sign may decide your personality. Is what they say about you true? Maybe it is.or maybe it isn’t. So if you’re interested in either animal signs or star signs,read what they say just for fun.It is you who shape your 初中-英语-打印版
life,and even your future. 3教师板书并教授新词汇和新词组:divide,divide…into…、shape。 4教师再次播放录音,让学生独立完成A3部分的练习,然后两人一组互相检查答案。如果有学生无法完成全部填空,提醒他们再次阅读A1和A2郎分。让三个学生分别朗读短文的第二至四段,检查他们的答案和发音,其他学生核对答案。 5学生集体朗读A3部分的短文。
B Speak up:We Call read about them just for fun. Step I呈现
1教师引入话题:Is it true that people born under the same animal sign or star sign may have similar personalities? It may be true,but we shouldn’t believe in them. Let’s listen to a conversation between Millie and her neighbour Joe. Then answer these questions: (1)What is Joe’s animal sign?(His animal sign is the Tiger.)
(2)What are people born in the Year of the Tiger like? (It is said that they are brave.) (3)Whose animal sign is the Sheep? (Julie’s) (4)What is Julie like? (She gets angry easily.)
(5)What does Millie think of the relationship between animal signs and personalities? (She thinks we can read about these things for fun,but we should not believe in them·) 2帮助学生复习born、brave、in some way、that’s not the case、gentle、believe in等,为学生学习对话扫除词汇障碍。 .
3再播放一遍录音,让学生跟录音朗读,然后让几组不同层次的学生分角色朗读。 Step II活动
1 学生两人一组操练对话,要求学生模仿B部分的对话,谈谈自己、同学或家人,提醒他们可以适当增加信息量。对基础较弱的班级,可以让学生替换对对话里的关键信息,以降低难度。教师可以提供一些有用的信息和句型。 Star signs Aries:energetic,active,impatient Taurus:hard—working,patient,stubborn Gemini:clever,curious,lively Leo:strong,confident,generous Libra:polite,fair Sagittarius:humorous,lucky Aquarius:wise,friendly Cancer:kind Virgo:careful,organized Scorpio:powerful,energetic Capricorn:patient,hard-working Pisces:gentle,kind,creative 初中-英语-打印版
牛津译林版-英语-九上-1单元 Know yourself 第五课时教案