青 岛 农 业 大 学
本 科 生 课 程 论 文
论 文 题 目 冻肉解冻方式探讨
学生专业班级 动物医学03班
学生姓名(学号) 王琳
指 导 教 师 孙京新
完 成 时 间 2021年12月2日
动物医学专业2020级3班 王琳 指导教师: 孙京新
【关键词】:冷冻肉 解冻工艺 肉品质
Abstract: The frozen meat is the main raw material production
of meat products. Raw meat quality for meat products processing quality ( water retention, thawing loss, cooking loss ) has important processing enterprises should focus on control object. The current our country meat production is the main problems existing in the meat of bad water retention, thawing erosion. This topic mainly researches further exploration of t thawing method frozen meat. Without affecting the fleshy cases, rapid thawing.
Key words: frozen meat, thawing technology ,the quality of meat