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BOGE Rubber & Plastics

博戈橡塑 管理手册

Management Manual

版本:2.0 出版序号:2015-07

1 Content, Modifications, Approval 1.1 Content 1目录、修改说明、审批 1.1目录 The Management Manual is comprised of the 管理手册由以下各部分组成章节 following chapters: Chapter 1 Content, Modifications, Approval............................错误!未定义书签。 章节 1、目 录、修改说明、审批 ...........................................错误!未定义书签。 2、总2 General.................................. ..........................3 3 Organization............................. ................................4 4 Management 则..............................................................3 3、组织机构...............................................................4 4、管理体system...................................系................................呕心沥血整理word1


........4 5 Responsibilities......................... ..............................5 6 General 6..............................4 5、职责权限...............................................................5 、总体定Definitions.............................. 义.........................................................6 ...........................6 附Additional valid Instructions and 录..................................加说明及附Addenda....................9 .............................9 1.2 Purpose The following modifications have been made to the previous edition: - - 1.2修订说明 与前一版本相比,修改项点如下: 2.2 增加标准 2.3 删除“保留”,增加能源责任 2.4 新增 3 组织机构图 4.1 增加文件/图表标题,修改通用注释 Chapter 2.2: norm added Chapter 2.3: “Retention” deleted / Energy responsibility added - - - Chapter 2.4: added Chapter 3: organization charts in N5 Chapter 4.1: Title of the documents / pyramid / note to GP changed 4.3 通用注释修改 4.4通用注释修改 5.4 更改部门代号,增加分场所质量职能 5.5 增加环境及能源管理职责 5.6 更改部门代号 - - Chapter 4.3: note to GP changed Chapter 4.4: note to GPs changed 呕心沥血整理word2


- Chapter 5.4: department code changed, Q responsibility of the location added 5.8 增加环境及能源管理政策及目标 6.3 增加能源管理 7.1 文件名称以及分场所记录更改 7.2 删除“环境保护相关的附录: - Chapter 5.5: Environmental and energy responsibility added - - Chapter 5.6: department code changed Chapter 5.8 environmental and energy policy and targets added - - Chapter 6.3: Energy added Chapter 7.1: Title of the documents, local documentation in N5 - Chapter 7.2: “Group related Addendum on Environmental Protection” deleted 1.3 Approval This version of the Management Manual is 1.3审批 本管理手册版本自2015年1月1日起发布实施 2总则 2.1适用范围 valid as of July1st, 2015. 2 General 2.1 Applicability The instructions and processes described in this manual are applicable to CSR New Material Technologies GmbH and its subsidiaries, following called out asBOGE Rubber & Plastics (BRP). 本手册中阐述的说明及过程适用于中国南车时代新材料科技股份有限公司及其下属子公司:博戈橡塑(BRP)。 呕心沥血整理word3



