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(暑期一日一练)2020学年高二英语下学期第一次月考试题 新人教版-新版

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试题说明:1、答题时长(分钟):120 分值:150分 2、请将答案填写在答题卡上。


19. I guess he didn’t ________ them ________.

20. The design has to ________ all ages and social groups. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节: (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)


第一部分: 基础知识考查(每小题1.5分,共20小题, 满分 30 分 ) A. loss B. regulations C. reply D. anniversary 1. I am writing in _________ to your letter of 16 March.

2. He bought her a diamond ring on their tenth wedding _________. 3. Students should keep all the school rules and _________. 4. When she died I was filled with a sense of _______.

A. cautious B. close C. considerate D. mature 5. Jane is very _________ for her age. 6. He is _________ in his choice of words.

7. There is no doubt that if you are _______ and friendly to people, you will get a lot more back. 8. Take a _______ look at the baby playing at the table. A. behaved B. counted C. predict D. hesitate 9. That was the first time Dad had _____ on me in a moment of emergency. 10. He _____ himself so as not to give offence to others.

11. When you meet with puzzling questions, don’t _______ to turn to me. 12. It is impossible to _______ what will happen.

A. regarding B. financially C. definitely D. thus 13. He is still _______ dependent on his parents. 14. Call me if you have any problems _______ your work. 15. The date of the meeting has not been ________ decided yet. 16. The train was caught in the storm, ________ causing the delay.

A. combine…with B. take…seriously C. appeal to D. presented…with 17. He ________ the winner _________ a silver cup.

18. Good teaching methods should _____ education ________ pleasure.


Part-time Front Desk Position Kirchoff, Inc., a book development company, is looking for a part-time front desk office worker. This position is perfect for a person who is cheerful, dependable, and pleasant to work with. Also, you should be able to welcome guests, redirect phone call, and take messages. More importantly, you can stay cool under pressure. You are expected to work 5:00--6:00 pm weekdays. You need to fill in some forms if you are interested. Forms can be collected at Kirchoff, Inc 866 United Nations Plaza, #525 New York, NY 10017

Important Points to Remember When Swimming ·Wait at least an hour after meals. ·Follow the advice of lifeguards. ·Don’t dive into unknown waters. Always swim in line with the shore. ·Find out at the seaside when and where it is safe to swim. ·Don’t use floating toys on the water. Wind can easily sweep them out to sea. ·Get out of the water if you feel tired or cold. Cold can kill even strong swimmers. Help Telephone:212-543-5902 Atlantic City Beach Office

Arrive on time. Introduce yourself in a polite manner. Read company materials while you wait. Have a firm handshake. Listen. Use body language to show interest. Smile and nod to the interviewers. Ask about the next thing you should do. Thank the interviewer. Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to. For more information, please visit jobweb.com 368 Cooper Square, New York. 21. What does a person need most to be fit for the one-hour weekday job? A.He should he cheerful, dependable, and easy-going. B.He has to work from Monday to Friday. C.He can remain calm in a difficult situation. D.He can welcome guests and deal with phone calls.

22. According to the above information, what is the right thing to do when you swim? A.To keep close to the beach. B.To dive into unknown waters. C.To use floating toys on the water.

D.To swim soon after lunch.

23. The best title for the last piece of information would be_________. A.Tips on Showing Interest in a Job

B.Steps to a Successful Interview

C.Advice on Introducing Yourself Politely D. Rules of Body Language in an Interview


If you live in a big city, there are many things to drive you crazy on your daily route, and it’s not just overcrowded subway trains.

Vicky Zhao is a mainlander working in Hong Kong. For her, one thing she can’t put up with is people standing on the wrong side of the escalator(自动扶梯)in subway stations. “Escalators help us move faster and save time. It isn’t a place to rest,” the 24-year-old says. “I often see tourists block the way with their suitcases or chatting on the escalators during rush hours. It annoys me to no end.”

Admitting she is not the patient type, Zhao says things are much better in Hong Kong than in cities on the mainland where “stand right, walk left” signs are often ignored.

The logic behind the “stand right, walk left” escalator etiquette(礼仪)seems obvious. Even though you may want to catch your breath while you’re transported up or down, you should still consider others and leave enough space for people in a hurry, so that they can run and catch the train.

Many cities’ escalators, including London’s and Beijing’s, use the “stand right, walk left” system to speed up the flow of people.(Australia is an exception and you should stand on the left side instead.)But some cities discourage people from moving on escalators out of safety reasons. In Hong Kong’s subway stations there are regular announcements asking people to “stand still” on escalators. Even so, most people in this fast-paced city observe the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

But the people who stand on escalators defend themselves by telling the walkers not to be so impatient. The BBC quotes one stander as saying:“If the person is in such a rush, why not just take the stairs? Even when the escalator is packed and there’s nowhere to move, I see these same people complaining about not being able to pass.”

Whatever the escalator etiquette is in the place you live or visit, do what most people are doing and always be mindful of others: leave enough space between each other, don’t stay at the end of the escalator, and if someone is blocking your way, a simple “excuse me” is enough. 24.In the second paragraph, the underlined word “It” refers __________.

A.the author’s living in the big city of Hong Kong B.being crowded on the subway trains in rush hours C.people’s blocking the way or chat on the escalators D.people’s standing on the right side resting

25.When on the escalator, a majority of local people in Hong Kong __________.

A.stand still as the railway stations require

B.ignore the “stand right, walk left” signs C.use the stairs instead of escalators D.follow the “stand right, walk left” etiquette 26.What can be inferred from the 6th paragraph?

A.Not everyone follows the “stand right, walk left” etiquette. B.The BBC is against the “stand right, walk left” etiquette. C.People should be patient and take the stairs if possible. D.People shouldn’t complain about the crowded escalators. 27.Which of the following statements is the writer’s opinion?

A.People should stand right no matter where they are. B.People should do as the Romans do and consider others. C.People should do as they like on the escalators.

D.People should be seriously criticized when they block the way.


My students often tell me that they do not have \often is “You have as much time as the president.\ing twenty-four hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that \getting something done.

Once in graduate school, I tried to prove to my professor that I was working hard. His answer was \不相干).What's important is the quality of your work.” That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work, which is perhaps best explained in a sign: \If you can't get more time, as few of us can, the only solution is to improve the quality of your work. That means improving ways to get more out of the same time. That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits, which for students should be read as \

Then as a smart student, you will seek to improve those skills that you use in study, chiefly reading and writing. If you can, it will pay off in all your subjects.

As to improving reading, one suggestion is to take a quick nap when you feel reading puts you to sleep, which later helps you read better. The second solution is to speed up.

But there are other issues. First, you need to find a place where you can work without unnecessary disturbances. Second, you need to take control. Success depends on realizing that you have to take active control over what you are doing. Third, you might as well get hold of a good book on reading and master the reading skills that pay off in all your classes.

Talking about advice on good writing habits, you simply have to master the writing skills. Increasing your efficiency in both reading and writing will pay off immediately in terms of the quality of your work and in terms of the time spent doing it. Then you will be able to do better work in less time. And maybe you will find time to play golf with the president. 28. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. In fact, everyone has as much time as the president. B. The key to having enough time is to improve work quality.

C. Reading and writing matter a lot in finishing homework. D. Not having enough time is unacceptable for unfinished work.

29. According to the author, the students do not have enough time to get their work done mainly

because ______.

A. they lack good learning habits B. they only have 24 hours a day C. they feel sleepy while reading D. they are not good at writing

30. The author believes a most important way for a student to improve work quality is to______.

A. improve reading and writing skills B. find a quiet place to read and write C. take control over his or her work D. read and write in all classes

31. According to the passage, \

A. one should not be more devoted to one's work B. one should not spend more time in working C. working harder is not allowed in our daily life D. working harder is not the key point in work


Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in a strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.

(暑期一日一练)2020学年高二英语下学期第一次月考试题 新人教版-新版


