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(暑期一日一练)2020七年级英语下册 Unit 6 练习(无答案)(新版)牛津深圳版

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Unit6 练习题

一、词汇 A)选择并抄写单词或短语。

1. He ___________Australia. (come from ,is from)

2.We have different ways of ___________the question. ( answer ,answering) 3. The ___________are interesting and I like them .( story, stories)

4. It’s not ___________ for you to speak to an old man like that. (polite ,politely) 5.Electricity comes into our homes ___________wires .(through ,from ) 6. 11 If you have a bad cold, you must _______some medicine. (eat, take) 7. She can’t buy electricity in ________like sweets. (packet, packets) 8.The chemicals inside batteries ________electricity. (produces, produce) 9.Electricity comes into our flats_______ thin wires. (across, through) 10.-How are you feeling? -Not very_______(well, good)

B)根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。 1.We call the thick wires ___________(电缆).

2.He looks ____________(愚蠢的)to make such a mistakes. 3.If you ____________ (回答)to a question, you answer it. 4.Our teacher is having a _____________ (对话)with Danny.

5.TWe can put the vegetables in the ______________(冰箱).to keep them fresh. 6. I'm afraid of staying __________ (独自地)at home. 7. Remember to take the_____________ (药)twice a day. 8. Please__________ the door before you leave. (锁上)

9. There will be an English __________ tomorrow morning. (测试) 10. Can you __________ a question?(回答)

C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1 The thick wire is__________ to the power station . (connect) 2. I think you can buy something in __________ (packet) 3. Electricity __________ through a wire. (flow) 4. The toy car gets power from __________ (battery)

5. Trees can produce some ________ to protect themselves from insects. ( chemistry) 6.We use a rice cooker ____________ rice. (cook) 7. He must ______ the work on time.(finish)


8. Who looks ___________ now? (fool)

9. Hi cannot speak as ________languages as Lo.(more) 10. My energy ________( come)from food. 二、选择填空

1. -- Must I finish the work before five o'clock? -- No, you________. But you _____ finish before tonight.

A. needn't , must B. mustn't, can C. don't have to, can D mustn't,may 2. Electricity is --------- than water .

A. safe B. much dangerous C. more safety D. more dangerous 3. Remember to _______the lights before you leave the classroom A switch on B. switch off C turn up D turn down 4. _______makes our flat warm or cool A A power station B. An air conditioner C Pocket money D. A washing machine 5. Everyone must be ---------electricity.

A. care to B. careful to C. careful with D. care with 6.I think some of words are right, so I agree with him ---------- A. in a way B. in this way C. on the way D. in many ways 7. The long river --------the city .

A. flow to B. flow throughout C. is flowing through D. flows through 8. The farm ------ the city with a large number of vegetables, meat and milk. A. gives B. grows C. provides D. offers 9. Will you connect the wire ------the television? A. of B. into C. to D. on

10. You -------- go and see a doctor at once because you’ve got a fever. A. can B. must C. dare D. would 11. They --------do well in the exam.

A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to 12. Must I do my homework at once? No, you --------------


A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. may not 13. His arm is all right. He ------ go and see the doctor.

A. has not to B. don’t have to C. haven’t to D. doesn’t have to 14. I haven’t brought my dictionary with me . ----- I use yours ? A. must B. shall C. May D. Need

15. The man ------ walk fast because he is lame in the left leg . A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. can’t

16. Could I look at your pictures ? Yes, of course you ---------- . A. could B. can C. will D. might

17_Does ____know the answer to the question? _Yes .Let me try. A everyone B. nobody C somebody D. anyone

18_I can’t stop smoking, doctor. _For your health. I’m afraid you _______.A may B can C need D have to

19 You _____be tired after the long walk. Have a rest, please. A can’t B shouldn’t C need D must

20 You ______put newspapers near the heater(加热器).It is dangerous. A needn’t B mustn’t C don’t have to D don’t need to


1. Can you get me some salt?

Can you ___________some salt ___________me? 2. The supermarket provides fruits for us. The supermarket ___________us ___________fruit. 3. They are connected to cables under the streets.

People ___________them ___________ cables under the streets. 4. It comes into our flat through thin wires. It ___________into our flat through thin wires. 5. I borrowed a bicycle from Lily yesterday. Lily ___________a bicycle ___________me yesterday.


(暑期一日一练)2020七年级英语下册 Unit 6 练习(无答案)(新版)牛津深圳版


