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《Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking》教案(附导学案)

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Unit 3 The Internet

《Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking》教案


1. Guide students to understand the content of listening texts in terms of listening for definitions.

2. Cultivate students’ ability to define words and understand an investigation interview.

3. Instruct students to use functional sentences of the dialogue such as “how much time do you spend online every day? What do you usually do online? and so on to maintain the conversation appropriately.

4. Enable students to naturally use the functional and notional items of this unit to express their guess, expectation or belief. 【教学重难点】

1. Cultivate students’ listening strategies by learning ways to define new words. 2. Enable students to naturally use the functional and notional items of this unit to express their guess, expectation or belief. 【教学过程】

Part 1: Listening and Speaking Step 1: Lead in

The teacher is advised to talk with the meaning of the sentence in the opening page

Boys and girls, before our listening, let’s work in pairs and discuss: The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. How do you understand the sentence? Have the Ss discuss and share their view.

(It means the Internet has made the world closer together; we can interact on the Internet just like meeting at the square.) Step 2: Warming up


After their small talk, the teacher can ask students to talk about their online habits:

What do you usually do when you are online? ? write a blog post ? use a search engine ? Chat online

? Watch Stream movies and music ? ……

Step 3: Sam is doing a survey on online habits. He is now talking to his schoolmates Anna Paul, and Joe. Listen to the conversation and complete the following tasks.

Step 4: Activity 3 & 4

1. Then, play the tape again. And after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following tasks.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

1) A blog an online diary where you write about something you’re interested ___________, I like basketball, so I write a lot on my blog about my favorite team.

2) I stream videos and music_________, I watch videos and listen to music online.

3) A search engine _______________ that helps you find what you’re looking for.

Then check the answers with partners.

2. Look at Activity 3 again. How are the words in italics defined? Write them in


the correct brackets. Pay attention the listening tips.

A. Use simpler words. B. Use an example.

( ) ( ) ( )

C. Compare to something. Step 5: Speaking Project

Work in pairs or groups and role play a conversation. Take turns to ask each other about your online habits. A: How much time do you spend online every day?

B: Oh, it’s hard to say. Sometimes I’m too busy to go online. Sometimes I spend more than four hours online. How about you?

A: It depends. I’d say from half an hour to three hours. B: What do you usually do online?

A: I listen to music, stream videos, or look up information. And you?

B: Lots of things. I especially like to chat with my friends and family. By the way, what’s your favorite app?

A: Well, English fun dubbing. B: Why do you like it?

A: There are lots of streams and I can dub interesting English movie clips so I can learn English in a fun way.

B: Sounds amazing. I certainly will try it. A: Ok, let me teach you how to download the app. B: Thanks a lot.

Part 2. Listening and Talking

Step1:Listen to the tape, and then ask the students to solve the following tasks.

Choose the best app.

Laura and Xiao Bo are talking about apps. Listen to their conversation and find out what apps they want.

Xiao Bo is looking for a(n) ____________app to help him get in shape. Laura would like an app for getting__________ and another that will make her _____________better.


Step2: Listen again. Are the sentences true T or false F?

1. Both of Xiao Bo’s apps keep track of the steps he takes._____ 2. Xiao Bo’s second app can help him make a fitness plan._____ 3. Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.______

4. Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account._______ Step 3: Get the Ss to listen once more and tick the sentence they hear. Underline the words used to express predictions, guesses, and beliefs. Then check the answers.

Predictions, Guesses, and Beliefs

________It might help me walk more. ________My guess is that it wouldn’t work.

________I imagine this app would help me get fit faster ________I suppose that would be good.

________I guess you could save a little with this app. ________I suppose there would be some problems, too. ________I believe this app could help me get thinner. Step 4: Speaking Project

Look at the description of some apps. Then role-play the conversation. Which app do you think would be more popular or useful? Have the Ss discuss and share with the class. Hear It First This app keeps you updated on all your favorite topics. You can also choose to receive updates on the news or even lessons that you’re interested in. You get a message whenever there has been an update. TV Me TV Me lets you stream your favorite TV programmes and see your face on the screen together with the actors. A: I imagine that TV Me would be more popular. Everyone watches TV and I think lots of people imagine themselves as actors in the TV shows, so putting the two together would be great. What do you think?


B: My guess would be Hear It First because it’s both interesting and useful. You could find out more about the stones you like and make sure that you don’t miss anything important. I believe both the young and old would like it.

Unit 3 The Internet

Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking 导学案


1. To understand the content of listening texts in terms of listening for definitions.

2. To learn to define words and understand an investigation interview.

3. To learn to use functional sentences of the dialogue such as “how much time do you spend online every day? What do you usually do online?” and so on to maintain the conversation appropriately.

4. To naturally use the functional and notional items of this unit to express their guess, expectation or belief. 【学习重难点】

1. To acquire listening strategies by learning ways to define new words. 2. To naturally use the functional and notional items of this unit to express their guess, expectation or belief. 【学习过程】

Part 1: Listening and Speaking Step 1: Lead-in

How do you understand the sentence?

The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.

Step 2: Warming up


《Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking》教案(附导学案)


