Population Genetics (群体遗传学)
Studying the Distribution of Alleles (等位基因)
and Genotypes in a Population
The frequency of alleles in a population can be determined. The study of such genetic variation is called population genetics.
A population (群体) is a group of interbreeding organisms present in a specific location at a specific time.
The term gene pool (基因池) has come in to use to talk about the possible alleles in a population.
If two or more forms of individuals are present in a population (like two color varieties, a large form and a small form, a light form and a dark form ,et al.,), the forms are called “morphs (不同形式)” , and the population is called polymorphic (多态的).
Hardy-Weinberg law(也称遗传平衡定律)
A formula called the Hardy-Weinberg formula is used by population geneticists to determine allele frequencies population. (1908年二人各自提出) p+q=1
p2+2pq+q2=1 Hardy GH,美国数学家
Weinberg W
in a 基因频率:指群体中某一基因在其所有等位
座位上全部基因频率的总和等于 1。
?有一对等位基因 A 和 a
基因 A 的频率为 p 基因 a 的频率为 q