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Part IV:Commonly Used Professional Terms of Civil Engineering

development organization 建设单位 design organization 设计单位

construction organization 施工单位 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 pile 桩

steel structure 钢结构 aluminium alloy 铝合金

masonry 砌体(工程) reinforced ~ 配筋砌体

load-bearing ~ 承重砌体 unreinforced ~非配筋砌体 permissible stress (allowable stress) 容许应力 plywood 胶合板

retaining wall 挡土墙 finish 装修

finishing material装修材料 ventilation 通风 natural ~ 自然通风

mechanical ~ 机械通风

diaphragm wall (continuous concrete wall) 地下连续墙 villa 别墅

moment of inertia 惯性矩 torque 扭矩

stress 应力 normal ~ 法向应力 shear ~ 剪应力 strain 应变

age hardening 时效硬化

air-conditioning system空调系统 (air) void ration(土)空隙比 albery壁厨,壁龛 almery壁厨,贮藏室

anchorage length锚固长度 antiseismic joint 防震缝

architectural appearance 建筑外观 architectural area 建筑面积 architectural design 建筑设计 fiashing 泛水

workability (placeability) 和易性 safety glass安全玻璃

tempered glass (reinforced glass) 钢化玻璃 foamed glass泡沫玻璃 asphalt沥青

felt (malthoid) 油毡 riveted connection 铆接 welding焊接



screwed connection 螺栓连接 oakum 麻刀,麻丝 tee三通管 tap存水弯 esthetics美学

formwork 模板(工程) shoring 支撑 batching 配料

slipform construction (slipforming) 滑模施工 lfit-slab construction 升板法施工 mass concrete 大体积混凝土 terrazzo水磨石

construction joint 施工缝 honeycomb蜂窝,空洞,麻面 piled foundation桩基 deep foundation 深基础 shallow foundation浅基础 foundation depth基础埋深 pad foundation独立基础 strip foundation 条形基础 raft foundation筏基 box foundation箱形基础 BSMT=basement 地下室

lift 电梯 electric elevator lift well电梯井

escalator 自动扶梯

Poisson’s ratio 泊松比μ

Young’s modulus , modulus of elasticity 杨氏模量,弹性模量E safety coefficient 安全系数 fatigue failure 疲劳破坏

bearing capacity of foundations 地基承载力 bearing capacity of a pile 单桩承载力 two-way-reinforcement 双向配筋

reinforced concrete two-way slabs钢筋混凝土双向板 single way slab单向板 window blind 窗帘sun blind wind load 风荷载 curing 养护

watertight concrete 防水混凝土 white cement白水泥

separating of concrete混凝土离折 segregation of concrete mortar 砂浆 ~ joint 灰缝 pilaster 壁柱 fire rating耐火等级



fire brick 耐火砖

standard brick标准砖 terra cotta 琉璃瓦 mosaic 马赛克

ceramic mosaic陶瓷锦砖,马赛克, ceramic mosaic tile ceramic tile 瓷砖 rubble wall毛石墙 marble 大理石,大理岩 granite 花岗石,花岗岩

ready-mixed concrete 商品混凝土,预拌混凝土 real estate房地产

reinforcement bar 钢筋 veinforcement meal, reinforcing bar, reinforcing steel

reinforcement cover混凝土保护层

reinforcement mat 钢筋网, reinforcing mesh

reinforcing ratio 配筋率 reinforcement percentage reinforcing work钢筋工程 residential building居住建筑 rigid foundation刚性基础

roof 屋顶,屋盖,屋面; roof board 屋面板; roof garden屋顶花园 roof live load 屋面活荷载

rustic terrazzo粗面水磨石,水刷石 sand cushion砂垫层

saw-tooth skylight锯齿形天窗 scaffold 脚手架 sill窗台

silty soil粉质土

single door单扇门 double door双扇门

single reinforcemen单筋t sliding door推拉门 sliding window水平推拉窗 staircase楼梯间

stair rail(ing) 楼梯栏杆,楼梯扶手 stair step楼梯踏步

stair string (er)楼梯梁

stair clearance 楼梯净空高度stair headroom steel forms钢模板 store room贮藏室

structural drawings结构图 soft substratum软弱下卧层 sun louver 遮阳板

supporting block 支座 supporting layer持力层




