龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘要:随着高校办学规模的扩大,新(分)校区在地理位置上的分散,针对高校跨地域分布的校园网建设和实现校园网外用户电子资源访问提出更高的要求。文章在简述VPN技术的基础上,给出了该技术应用于校园网的具体方案,从而实现校区之间的虚拟专用网络连接,并且可以将校园专用网内资源被访问的区域范围扩展到任何连接Internet的地方.从而实现了校区互联、移动办公、电子资源访问、校际交流等方面的功能。 关键词:校园网;VPN技术;虚拟专用网
中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2010)05-1098-03 On the VPN Technology in the Campus Network Application YANG Ben-quan
(Zhangjiajie Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Zhangjiajie 427000, China)
Abstract: The extension that does to learn scale along with the high school, new(cent) area in the school's dispersion in geography position, aims at a college to across the campus net that the region distributes the construction put forward higher request with carry out a customer's electronics
resources interview out of the campus net.Article at Jian Shu VPN the foundation of technique up, give that technique is applied to the concrete project of campus net and carry out an of area in college thus of Virtal Private Network conjunction, and can campus appropriation the resources inside the net is visited of the district scope expands to any place of conjunction Internet. carried out area in college thus with each other allied, the ambulation transact, the electronics resources interview, intercollegiate communicate the function of etc..
Key words: campus net; the technique of VPN; virtal private network