www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 出于这个原因,联合国教科文组织类似于濒危物种名单的一种分类系统为处于濒危、即将消失的语言建立了一个图集。研究人员通常会用当地人使用某种语言的数量等标准来衡量语言消失的脆弱性。在最近一项有关“数字语言消亡”的调查中,数学语言学家András Kornai提出了“电子设备上的哪些语言濒于消失,哪些语言又在使用”这样一个问题。
Passage Two (40 points)
We’re at the beginning of some critical debates about the future of the Internet: the proper role of law enforcement, the character of ubiquitous surveillance, the collection and retention of our entire life’s history, how automatic algorithms should judge us, government control over the Internet, cyber war rules of engagement, national sovereignty on the Internet, limitations on the power of corporations over our data, the ramifications of information consumerism, and so on. Data is the pollution problem of the information age. All computer processes produce it. It stays around. How we deal with it -- how we reuse and recycle it, who has access to it, how we dispose of it, and what laws regulate it -- is central to how the information age functions. And I believe that just as we look back at the early decades of the industrial age and wonder how society could ignore pollution in their rash to build an industrial world, our grandchildren will look back at us during these early decades of the information age and judge us on how we dealt with the rebalancing of power resulting from all this new data.
This won’t be an easy period for us as we try to work these issues out. Historically, no shift in power has ever been easy. Corporations have turned our
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