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2014山东大学网络教育高起专期末考试英语 模拟2

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I. Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words. (B)1. absorb: (A)2. enjoy:

(A)3. obvious: (B)1. amount

A. 第一个音节 (A)2. midnight

A. 第一个音节 (A)3. possible

A. 第一个音节

B. 第二个音节

C. 第三个音节

III. Each of the following sentences is provided with two answers. Choose the one that identifies its correct sentence type and its nuclear tone type. (B)1. Is the flower red or blue?

A. 一般疑问句——升调 B. 选择疑问句——升、降调 (A)2. Must I leave right now?

A. 一般疑问句——升调 B. 特殊疑问句——降调 (B)3. You don’t have to come tomorrow, A. don’t you?——升调

B. do you?——升调

IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with a word in its proper form. (1) He hoped the passenger would Mary be and indeed _she___ was __Mary__. (2) _Which__ way shall we go? By the stream or through the wood?

(3) Let’s go and have a drink. We’ve got _much___ time before the train leaves. (4) Look at these pears. This seems to be a nice ripe _one__. (5) He remembers __what__ London of _in__ past and says it was gayer than _what_ London of __in___ today. (6) Let’s sing a song, ___shall___ we?

(7) Don’t stand _under____ a tree during a thunderstorm.

(8) _After___ all, they have nothing _in____ common. It’s only natural that they can’t get along well. (9) Last night I came back late __for___ the meeting. (10) They came __by___ the 9 o’clock train.

V. Each of the following sentences is provided with four answers labeled A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes it.

(C) (1) _______, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser.

a. As diamond is hard b. Although hard diamond is c. Hard as diamond is d. However diamond is hard (C) (2) Not all the children will visit ________ parents on Sunday.

a. his b. its c. their d. his or her (B) (3) If you get up ________, you will miss the plane.

a. lately b. late c. latter d. later

B. 第二个音节 B. 第二个音节 A. [A. [inA. [

bsb] dbvi

i] s]

B. [?bB. [B. [

bs:b] endvi

i] s]

II. Mark the stress for each of the following words.

(C) (4) “Did you say that our neighbor in the accident?”

a. badly hurt b. was badly hurted c. was badly hurt d. had badly hurted (D) (5) It was proposed that the matter _______ discussed at the next meeting.

a. will be b. was c. could be d. be

(D) (6) In the preface ________ my book, I thanked all the people who had been of help to me.

a. of b. in c. for d. to (A)(7)Your ideas, _______, seem unusual to me.

a. just as hers b. like hers c. as hers d. different than hers (B) (8)It is wise _________ the case that way.

a. of him to settle b. for him to settle c. of his settling d. that he settle (C) (9) He thought that ________________.

a. the effort doing the job was not worth b. the effort was not worth in doing the job c. it was not worth the effort doing the job d. it was not worth the effort by doing the job (B) (10) Jack could ask for leave on condition he was really ill. a. for that b. that c. of which d. in which

(C)(11) Some members of the staff couldn’t handle Murray’s condition, hard ______ they tried.

a. when b. although c. as d. even if (A) (12) ______was his anger that his face turned red.

a. Such b. Great c. So d. It

(A) (13) Only under special circumstances ___________ to take make-up test.

a. are freshmen permitted b. freshmen are permitted c. permitted are freshmen d. are permitted freshmen (C)(14) Although the first part of the book is easy, the rest ________.

a. are difficult b. has proved difficult c. is supposed difficult d. have been found difficult (D) (15) London has a larger population _____ in the United Kingdom.

a. than any city b. than other cities c. than all the cities d. than all the other cities

VI. There are four parts underlined in each of the following sentences. Identify the one that needs correction.

(D)(1) Sitting up late last night, Tom not only read the assignment but also many poems by one of A B C

his favorite poets. D

(C)(2) Have you heard that Jeff’s leg was broken while playing football? A B C D

(C) (3) Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before A B C

the class. D

(A)(4) Why they will go there to try another experiment has not been decided yet. A B C D

(A)(5) The more one knows about the Elizabethan England, the more you understand the A B C

importance of the British Navy D

VII. Fill in the blanks with the word in the brackets in its proper form. (1) I noticed that the wrecked car __had___ not yet _been taken__ (take) away. (2) “__Would__ you like to have another drink?” “No, thanks. I_ have had___ (have) enough.”

(3) If the exit doors hadn’t been blocked, people _would have escaped____ (escape) from the building hall. (4) It’s high time that the children _should get__ (get) dressed. (5) Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _have been challenged__ (challenge) today. (6) By the end of this year, he _will have stayed__ (stay) here for10 years. (7) It is necessary that Mike _should fill__ (fill) in all the blanks on as application for a job. (8) Many old houses _ had been pulled down__ (pull down), and many new ones __were built___ (build) in their place last year.

VIII. Translate the following into English.

(1) 英国人很为自己的幽默感感到自豪。The English are proud of their sense of humor. (2) 你听到有人在敲门吗?Do you hear someone knock at the door? (3) 孩子们高兴得跳了起来。The children jumped for joy.

(4) 不能把这些书带出图书馆外。 These books are not allowed to take out of the library. IX. Translate the following into Chinese.

(1) She showed us how to operate the machine. 她向我们说明了如何来操作这台机器。 (2) Is there anyone her whose name is Jack London? 这儿有人名叫杰克伦敦吗?

(3) I like swimming (very much) and so does my brother. 我(非常)喜欢游泳,我弟弟也是。 (4) Under no circumstances will he leave the country. 在任何情况下,他都不会离开这个国家。 X. Read the following passages, and determine what type of clause each of the underlined parts is.

Passage 1

Community Service

The idea of helping people comes naturally to most of us. (1)If we see a blind person getting off a bus, we watch to make sure that he is in no danger of falling. Members of a family help one another, with particular care for the very young and the elderly.

There are many people who have nobody near to see their need for help and often nobody to give it even when the need is known. The old, the disabled, the homeless and friendless—these are the people (2)for whom help may not come, because nobody sees. It may not have occurred to you (3)that you are in a position to help. Community service means helping the people around you. Organizations exist which try to make sure (4)that someone sees (5)when help is needed and does something about it. These organizations depend on voluntary help to carry out a wide variety of tasks, volunteers giving up a little of their spare time to lend a hand.

If you wish to take part in this worthwhile activity, what sort of things would you do? Think of the people most in need of help and the ways in which help can be given. Much of the work of community service is concerned with the care of the elderly and the disabled. Old people cannot always redecorate their homes. Household repairs, cleaning, preparing food or taking care of the garden may all prove difficult. Elderly people with failing eyesight are delighted if a friend comes in to read or to write letters for them. A helping hand and a friendly face can mean a great deal to a lonely elderly person.

(A)(1) A. 状语从句——表示条件 B. 状语从句——表示对比 (A)(2) A. 名词从句——作同位语 B. 定语从句——修饰先行词

2014山东大学网络教育高起专期末考试英语 模拟2


