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New Star Junior English Level 2 Unit 2

Teaching Contents教学内容: Listen and talk Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. Let’s perform Everybody loves her. The queen loves her, too. But one day the queen dies. Words queen love rainy Teaching Aims教学目标: 语言知识目标: Listen and talk :能流利进行书本内容对话,并尝试进行拓展与交流。 Let’s perform: 能深情并茂的进行童话剧表演,并尝试进行角色扮演。 Words: 能识记词形,并尝试进行造句。 情感价值目标: 训练学生的思维能力,观察能力,团队协作能力。引发学生对于口语表达的爱好,运用多种方式提高说的兴趣。通过各种教学法,丰富孩子对于剧本的理解能力,提高学生对于表演的热爱。培养学生对英语的进一步热爱,并识记词形,试着尝试培养孩子阅读能力。 Key Points教学重点: 句型学习:Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. Everybody loves her. 能力培养:1.培养学生对于天气用语的灵活运用。 2.加强学生童话剧理解与表演能力,提高兴趣。 3.尝试对于所学单词进行造句活用。 Difficult Points教学难点: 发音难点: everybody love queen 教学开展: 如何设计情景教学开展学生对于天气询问的用语练习 如何引导学生进行童话剧表演与角色扮演 如何开拓学生思维,进行单词造句运用 Teaching Steps教学过程:

Step 1 Greetings and Let’s move (3 min’) Teaching steps 教学步骤 Teaching instructions 教学指导 Purpose 目的 1.Greetings Free talk with students 操作方式 2.Let’s move Do a rhyme with students: Rain on the grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the housetop. But not on me. 准备物料 组织语言 第一步:老师播放音频,并示范动作, 学生观看。 第二步:学生尝试跟着老师动作,说 出指令性用语。 第三步:集体一起跟随音频,边跳边唱。 Hey guys. Glad to meet you. Be quiet, please. Listen to me. Let’s do a rhyme. Do with me. 录音机 I can move的音频 活跃课堂,让孩子在律动当中学习指令性用语的表达,加强孩子对于指令性用语的反应,丰富老师课堂掌控能力,训练孩子听说能力。

Step 2 Listen and talk(30 min') Teaching steps 教学步骤 Teaching instructions 教学指导 Purpose 目的 1.story telling 故事导入 (围绕图片进行新知导入—以讲解故事方式进行),导入次数:2-3次 导入句型:Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. 操作方式 组织语言 老师围绕第二单元口语部分情景图讲解故事,老师讲解的故事以8—10句为 宜,学生认真听,并根据老师说出的英文,用手指书或作出相应的动作反应。为了帮助孩子本课着重导入句型 (Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.) 积累语言信息Doris and Henry are in the kitchen now. 量,训练孩子 What’s the weather like today? Can you guess? Is it a sunny day? A lovely day? Maybe it’s not. 对于情境的理 (指着图中的下雨天) Look, Henry is asking Doris 解能力。 (学Henry男生) :Do you like rainy days? (学Doris声音):Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like rainy days. Rainy days are beautiful. I like walking in rainy days. I like singing in rainy days. And I like dancing in rainy days. Rainy rainy ,rainy days. (学Henry男生):Do you like rainy days? (学Doris声音):No, I don’t. Rainy days are too wet. Wet wet rainy day! 第二单元口语的情景图(或者开书)、音频 准备物料 2.situation imitating 情景输入(创设情境,在情境当中输入本课重点句型),输入次数:2-3次 导入句型:Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. 操作方式 T: Look at this picture; do you like flowers/grass…? Ss: Yes, I do. T: But, look here(干旱天气图片:枯萎的花草,干涸的田地)So, we need some rains. (动态图及下雨天气的声音:花草和田地受到雨的滋润,恢复了生机) Do you like rainy days? Ss: Yes, I do. 准备干旱天气图片、动态图及下雨天气的音频 T运用PPT演示给学生看,如果没有PPT则准备卡片。 意在达到输入量的同时,让学生产生思维的训练,情景的理解,以及对语言功能性的初步接触,技巧地达到会意目的。 组织语言 准备物料 3. pronunciation 练习句型:Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (带读次数:25次左右) 发音定位 模仿练习 组织语言 /d/ / t/ T以口型示范发音,特别注意难点音:/ n/ / t / Everybody please watch my mouth. Please read after me. Try to imitate. 帮助孩子准确发音,突破难点音,并模仿地道纯正的语音语调。 4.Practice:game(happy face) 操作方式 组织语言 准备物料 练习句型:Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. T 准备一个笑脸, 一个哭脸。学生看到笑脸说Yes, I do.看到哭脸就说No, I 模拟练习新don’t。 知,达到从多Okay, Let’s play a game? Please say “Yes, I do” when you see the happy face. Please say“ No, I don’t” when you see the sad face. 一个笑脸,一个哭脸 方面了解熟记新知,并尝试运用新知的目的 5. Practice: pronunciation/game(high and low voice) 练习句型:Do you like rainy days? 模拟次数:3-4次 1. 定音: / r/ / ei/ /n / /i/ /d //ei //z / 2.带读:Do you like rainy days? (建议带读次数达到25次左右) 3.game: high and low voice 操作方式 组织语言 T带读Do you like rainy days? 玩高低声的游戏。 Okay, Let’s play a game? High and low voice. When I do this(老师做将手举高的动作)you should read the sentence in high voice. When I do this(老师做将手放低的动作)you should read the sentence in low voice. 无) 6.Practice: Activity 练习句型:Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 模拟练习新知,达到从多方面了解熟记新知,并尝试运用新知的目的 准备物料 操作方式 组织语言 让学生自由组合练习对话,然后上台展示,选出最棒的一组。(最佳拍档) Please practice the dialogue in pairs. Then come front and show. 无 通过问答形式,为学生创造语言环境,运用句型 准备物料 7.Listen and repeat 跟读口语音频,跟读次数:3—5遍 操作方式 组织语言 老师播放录音带,孩子们跟读口语内容的音频, T: Now, listen to the tape. Point on the book and imitate. Read after the tape. Follow the tape, try to imitate. 通过跟读音频,模拟练习,精确孩子们的发音,积累语流语感,感知语言情景,训练用英 准备物料 录音机一个,磁带一张. 8.Let’s check(2) 练习句型:Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 语思维的能力。 操作方式 第一步:歌曲律动How is the weather? It's a sunny day. How is the weather? It's a cloudy day. How is the weather? It's rainy. How is the weather? It's snowy. 以活动的形式,使本课口第二步:翻开书到二单元check 部分 然后Fast reaction游戏,最后玩掷骰子的游戏 语句型得到一个替换与延伸。让孩子们在真实情境中运用口语,理解口语句型的功能运用性。 组织语言 T:Look, I have so many things: sun-glasses, sun-hat, kite, snow-man, umbrella··· When I show you this one, what’s the weather? Ss: It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy day. T:Now, let’s play a game. Look at me, do like this. (老师示范掷骰子,示意学生一起询问天气,然后回答:Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.) Ss:上台学老师一样掷骰子 书上let’s check 的图片 各种天气中的代表性物品,天气图片,色子 准备物料 9.picture talking 主要练习句型:Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. 操作方式 组织语言 老师围绕第二单元口语部分情景图讲解故事,老师讲解的故事以8—10句为让孩子跟着老宜,学生认真听,并根据老师说出的英文,用手指书或作出相应的动作反师尝试进行口应。本课着重导入句型 语表达。扩大(Do you like rainy days? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.) 学生的语言说Doris and Henry are in the kitchen now. What’s the weather like today? Can you guess? 出量,丰富口 Is it a sunny day? A lovely day? Maybe it’s not. 语表达能力。 (指着图中的下雨天) Look, Henry is asking Doris 递进式的引导(学Henry男生):Do you like rainy days? (学Doris声音):Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like rainy days. 学生说出词到Rainy days are beautiful. I like walking in rainy days. 学生说出简单I like singing in rainy days. And I like dancing in rainy 词组再到学生days. Rainy rainy, rainy days. 跟着老师说出(学Henry男生): Do you like rainy days? (学Doris声音): No, I don’t. Rainy days are too wet. 句子最后到学Wet wet rainy day! 生自由发挥进 行看图说话 第二单元口语的情景图(或者开书) 准备物料

Step 3 Let’s perform (45 min') Teaching steps 教学步骤 Teaching instructions 教学指导 Purpose 1. story telling 导入句型:Everybody loves her. The queen loves her, too. But one day the queen dies. 导入次数:2-3次



