Tast3 Dadac
Let's talk > Task 1
Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 Cbacd Task2 Ababb Task3
: The Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the open window.
He answered, \odka is plentiful in my country. In fact, we have thousands and thousands of liters of it—far more than we need.\
The businessman said, \et you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling.\
He replied, \with.\
The American businessman sat in silence for a moment. Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer, and threw him out of the window. He did that probably because he thought there were too many lawyers in the United States.
Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1
Unit 3 test Bcbbd
Lead in Task1
Basic listening practice Cabcd
Listening in Task 1
Task2 Baaba Task3 Aaadc Let's talk > Task 1