篇一:安徒生童话故事全集目录 安徒生童话故事全集 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen,1805年4月2日-1875年8月4日)丹麦作家,人,因为他的童话故事而世界闻名。他最著名的童话故事有《小锡兵》、《冰雪女王》、《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《丑小鸭》和《红鞋》等。其创作的童话被称为“安徒生童话”。又名《安徒生集》。 可分早、中、晚三个时期。早期童话多充满绮丽的幻想、乐观的精神,代表作有《打火匣》、《小意达的花儿》、《拇指姑娘》、《海的女儿》、《野天鹅》、《丑小鸭》等。中期童话,幻想成分减弱,现实成分相对增强。代表作有《卖火柴的小女孩》、《白雪皇后》、《影子》、《一滴水》、《母亲的故事》、《演木偶戏的人》等。晚期童话比中期更加面对现实,着力描写底层民众的悲苦命运,作品基调低沉。代表作有《柳树下的梦》、《她是一个废物》、《单身汉的睡帽》、《幸运的贝儿》等。 早期 001 打火匣 002 皇帝的新装 003飞箱 004 丑小鸭 005 没有画的画册 006跳高者 007 红鞋 008 衬衫领子 009 一个豆荚里的五粒豆 010 一个贵族和他的女儿们 011 守塔人奥列 012 蝴蝶 013 贝脱、比脱和比尔 014 烂布片 015 织补针 016 拇指姑娘 017 跳蚤和教授 018 区别 019 一本不说话的书 020 夏日痴 021 笔和墨水壶 022 风车 023 瓦尔都窗前的一瞥 024 甲虫 025 幸福的家庭 026 完全是真的 027 蓟的遭遇 028新世纪的女神 029 各得其所 030 一星期的日子 031 钱猪 032 在辽远的海极 033 荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰 034 野天鹅 035 母亲的故事 036 犹太女子 037 牙痛姑妈 038 金黄的宝贝 039 民歌的鸟儿 040 接骨木树妈妈 041 沙丘的故 事 042 小克劳斯和大克劳斯 043 迁居的日子 044 鬼火进城了 045 幸运的套鞋 046 鹳鸟 047 枞树 048 香肠栓熬的汤 049 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人 050 天上落下来的一片叶子051 恶毒的王子 052 演木偶戏的人 053 舞吧,舞吧,我的玩偶054 安妮·莉斯贝 055 素琪 056 藏着并不等于遗忘 057 谁是最幸运的 058 钟声 059 顽皮的孩子 060 识字课本 061 老约翰妮讲的故事 062 老墓碑 063 姑妈 064 墓里的孩子 065 老路灯 066 老头子做事总不会错 067 老房子 068 天鹅的窠 069 创造 070 冰姑娘 071 小鬼和小商人 072 阳光的故事 073 依卜和小克丽斯玎 074 梦神 075 老上帝还没有灭亡 076 园丁和他的贵族主人 077 书法家 078 茶壶 079 小小的绿东西 080 一点成绩 081 天国花园
082 最难使人相信的事情 083 一枚银毫 084 肉肠签子汤 085 光棍汉的睡帽 086 做出点样子来 087 老橡树的最后一梦 088 字母读本 089 沼泽王的女儿 090 跑得飞快的东西 091 钟渊 092 狠毒的王子 093 多伊和他的女儿们 094 踩面包的姑娘 095 守塔人奥勒 096 安妮·莉丝贝特 097 孩子话 098 一串珍珠 099 墨水笔和墨水瓶 100 墓中的孩子 101 家养公鸡和风信公鸡 102 沙冈那边的一段故事 103 演木偶戏的人 104 两兄弟 105 教堂古钟 106 搭邮车来的十二位 107 屎壳郎 108 老爹做的事总是对的 109 雪人 110 在鸭场里 111 新世纪的缪斯 112 冰姑娘 113 蝴蝶 114 普赛克 115 蜗牛和玫瑰树 116 害人鬼进城了 117 风磨 118 银毫子 119 伯尔厄隆的主教和他的亲眷120 在幼儿室里 121 金宝贝 122 狂风吹跑了招牌 123 茶壶 124 民歌的鸟 125 绿色的小东西 126 小精灵和太太 127 贝得、彼得和皮尔 128 隐存着并不就是被忘却 129 看门人的儿子 130 搬迁日 131 谎报夏 132 姨妈 133 癞蛤蟆 134 教父的画册 135 碎布块 136 汶岛和格棱岛 137 谁最幸福 138 树精 139 看鸡人格瑞得的一家 140 蓟的经历 141 你能琢磨出什么 142 好运气在一根签子里 143 彗星 144 一个星期的每一天 145 阳光的故事 146 曾祖父 147 烛 148 最难令人相信的事 后期 149 一家人都怎样说 150 跳吧,舞吧,我的小宝宝 151 大海蟒 152 园丁和主人 153 跳蚤和教授 154 老约翰妮讲了些什么 155 大门钥匙 156 跛脚的孩子 157 牙痛姨妈 158 最后的一天 159 亚麻 160 “真可爱” 161 海的女儿 162 邻居们 163 夜莺 164 小意达的花儿 165 她是一个废物篇二:安徒生童话英语故事 Lesson7THE LEAP-FROG THE LEAP-FROG A Flea, a Grasshopper, and a Leap-frog once wanted to see which could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and everybody else besides who chose to come to see the festival. Three famous jumpers were they, as everyone would say, when they all met together in the room. I will give my daughter to him who jumps highest, exclaimed the King; for it is not so amusing where there is no prize to jump for. The Flea was the first to step forward. He had exquisite manners, and bowed to the company on all sides; for he had noble blood, and was, moreover, accustomed to the society of man alone; and that makes a great difference. Then came the Grasshopper. He was
considerably heavier, but he was well-mannered, and wore a green unifomp3, which he had by right of birth; he said, moreover, that he belonged to a very ancient Egyptian family, and that in the house where he then was, he was thought much of. The fact was, he had been just brought out of the fields, and put in a pasteboard house, three stories high, all made of court-cards, with the colored side inwards; and doors and windows cut out of the body of the Queen of Hearts. I sing so well, said he, that sixteen native grasshoppers who have chirped from infancy, and yet got no house built of cards to live in, grew thinner than they were before for sheer vexation when they heard me. It was thus that the Flea and the Grasshopper gave an account of themselves, and thought they were quite good enough to marry a Princess. The Leap-frog said nothing; but people gave it as their opinion, that he therefore thought the more; and when the housedog snuffed at him with his nose, he confessed the Leap-frog was of good family. The old councillor, who had had three orders given him to make him hold his tongue, asserted that the Leap-frog was a prophet; for that one could see on his back, if there would be a severe or mild winter, and that was what one could not see even on the back of the man who writes the almanac. I say nothing, it is true, exclaimed the King; but I have my own opinion, notwithstanding. Now the trial was to take place. The Flea jumped so high that nobody could see where he went to; so they all asserted he had not jumped at all; and that was dishonorable. The Grasshopper jumped only half as high; but he leaped into the King s face, who said that was ill-mannered. The Leap-frog stood still for a long time lost in thought; it was believed at last he would not jump at all. I only hope he is not unwell, said the house-dog; when, pop! he made a jump all on one side into the lap of the Princess, who was sitting on a little golden stool close by. Hereupon the King said, There is nothing above my daughter; therefore to bound up to her is the highest jump that can be made; but for this, one must possess
understanding, and the Leap-frog has shown that he has understanding. He is brave and intellectual. And so he won the Princess. It s all the same to me, said the Flea. She may have the old Leap-frog, for all I care. I jumped the highest; but in this world merit seldom meets its reward. A fine exterior is what people look at now-a-days. The Flea then went into foreign service, where, it is said, he was killed. The Grasshopper sat without on a green bank, and reflected on worldly things; and he said too, Yes, a fine exterior is everything--a fine exterior is what people care about. And then he began chirping his peculiar melancholy song, from which we have taken this history; and which may, very possibly, be all untrue, although it does stand here printed in black and white. 跳高者 有一次,跳蚤、蚱蜢和跳鹅①想要知道它们之中谁跳得最高。它们把所有的人和任何愿意来的人都请来参观这个伟大的场面。它们这三位著名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。 ①这是丹麦一种旧式的玩具,它是用一根鹅的胸骨做成的;加上一根木栓和一根线,再擦上一点蜡油,就可以使它跳跃。篇三:有声童话故事大全二 童话故事大全 童话故事大全 童话故事大全 098童话-雪花姑娘去旅行.mp3 099童话-雪人.mp3 100童话-燕子妈妈和她的孩子.mp3 101童话-一只小熊.mp3 102童话-邮车里的十二位乘客.mp3 103童话-鼬鼠的家.mp3 104童话-元元的奇怪旅行.mp3 105童话-咱们一起种树去.mp3 106童话-猪八戒吃西瓜.mp3 107知识-变色的动物.mp3 090童话-小人国的故事.mp3 091童话-小松鼠的书包.mp3 092童话-小松鼠理发店.mp3 093童话-小松鼠买梦.mp3 094童话-小熊请客.mp3 095童话-小熊温尼浦.mp3 096童话-小雪花.mp3097童话-鞋子车.mp3 080童话-外星人收破烂.mp3 081童话-巫婆鳄鱼和小姑娘.mp3 082童话-小班马过河.mp3 083童话-小草.mp3 084童话-小霏霏的梦.mp3 085童话-小果树生病了.mp3 086童话-小猴织布.mp3 087童话-小狐狸.mp3 088童话-小卢鱼波尔.mp3 089童话-小猫钓鱼.mp3 072童话-土豆娃娃2.mp3 073童话-土豆娃娃3.mp3 074童话-土豆娃娃4.mp3 075童话-土豆娃娃5.mp3 076童话-土豆娃娃6.mp3 077童话-土豆娃娃7.mp3 078童话-土豆娃娃8.mp3 079童话-土豆娃娃9.mp3 062童话-青蛙王子2.mp3 063童话-森林里的大侦探.mp3 064童话-神笔马良.mp3 065童话-
狮子烫发.mp3 066童话-时髦化猪的故事.mp3 067童话-树叶从哪里来的?.mp3 068童话-淘气的小狗.mp3 069童话-天鹅和企鹅.mp3 070童话-土拨鼠相当爸爸.mp3 071童话-土豆娃娃1.mp3 054童话-美妙的小音符.mp3 055童话-妹妹的布娃娃.mp3 056童话-魔法糖的故事.mp3 057童话-茉莉过生日.mp3 058童话-怕冷的小老虎.mp3 059童话-朋友.mp3 060童话-皮小胖.mp3 061童话-青蛙王子1.mp3 044童话-恐龙的故事.mp3 045童话-懒惰的小麻雀.mp3 046童话-老鼠开会.mp3 047童话-露珠里的朋友.mp3 048童话-鲁班造伞.mp3 049童话-马马虎虎的神仙.mp3 050童话-卖火柴的小女孩.mp3052童话-毛毛虫的故事.mp3 053童话-美丽的大海.mp3 036童话-黑熊的愿望.mp3 037童话-猴子和鹿.mp3 038童话-滑冰.mp3 039童话-滑梯上有个钉子.mp3 040童话-皇帝的新装.mp3 041童话-黄鼠狼找食物.mp3 042童话-会动的石头.mp3 043童话-康米的故事.mp3 026童话-大森林里的山歌.mp3 027童话-大森林里的小木屋.mp3 028童话-放鹅姑娘.mp3 029童话-狗尾巴草.mp3 030童话-孩子城.mp3 031童话-好猫眯眯1.mp3 032童话-好猫眯眯2.mp3 033童话-好奇的粉红小猪.mp3 034童话-好问的小猴.mp3 035童话-河马大叔.mp3 018童话-丑小鸭.mp3 019童话-传天来了.mp3 020童话-从前再一片大森林里.mp3 021童话-聪明的小白兔.mp3 022童话-聪明勇敢的迪尔.mp3 023童话-粗心的小蜻蜓.mp3 024童话-大狗熊的故事.mp3 025童话-大嗓门先生.mp3 008童话-爸爸,我爱你.mp3 009童话-白雪公主1.mp3 010童话-白雪公主2.mp3 011童话-百草园.mp3 012童话-宝宝不怕.mp3 013童话-笨汉汉斯.mp3 014童话-冰房子.mp3 015童话-不守纪律的小闹钟.mp3 016童话-不睡觉国历险记.mp3 017童话-不死的小花.mp3 108知识-夏天里的动物.mp3 001科学童话-冬天来了.mp3 002快板剧-小猴去联欢.mp3 003童话-爱看电视的小猫.mp3 004童话-爱看电视的小猫2.mp3006童话-爱看电视的小猫4.mp3 007童话-巴警官的故事.mp3 56-现代童话寓言-小象奴奴找奶奶-.mp3 57-现代童话寓言-小象转学-.mp3 58-现代童话寓言-小燕子考青蛙-.mp3 59-现代童话寓言-有本领的小白鹭-.mp3 60-现代童话寓言-院子里的悄悄话-.mp3 61-现代童话寓言-月亮的脸-.mp3 62-现代童话寓言-月夜怪语-.mp3 63-现代童话寓言-在牛肚子里旅行-.mp3 64-现代童话寓言-脏嘴巴的小白兔-.mp3 65-现代童话寓言-真猫咪和假猫咪-.mp3 48-现代童话寓言-小奇人跳跳-大狗小