Assessment I
1. The goal of a cPDM system is to provide a single, common interface for managing and accessing all data within an organization. True False
2. Benefits of cPDM include: (Multi)
Provides revision control and assurance of latest data Maintains history of a product’s development evolution Reduces duplicate data which reduces storage requirements Manages assemblies and relationships between parts
3. The Teamcenter rich client interface is: A C++ application that runs on server hosts A Java application that runs on client hosts A Java runtime environment that runs on web browsers
4. The Teamcenter thin client interface is: A Java application that runs on client hosts
A Java runtime environment that runs on web browsers A C++ application that runs on server hosts
5. When starting Teamcenter, what first appears? The Teamcenter login dialog box The Getting Started application pane The Teamcenter Welcome window The My Teamcenter application pane
6. When logging in to Teamcenter, other than the User ID and Password, only the Group can be specified. True False
7. What are some of the main functions of the My Teamcenter application? (Multi) Create new groups and volumes
View the contents of your Home folder Organize data references in folders Execute searches Design Workflow processes
8. A folder in Teamcenter is equivalent to a directory in the operating system. True False
9. If no Teamcenter object is selected when an item is created, where will the new item appear by default? In the default storage folder In your Home folder In your Mailbox folder In the newstuff folder
10. When you delete a folder, the folder contents are also deleted.
True False
11. What is created when you copy and paste an item into your Home folder? A dataset link
An assembly structure An item revision A reference
12. Address lists can contain any combination of valid Teamcenter users and groups. True False
13. Which function key opens the help library in the rich client? F10 F4 F3 F2
14. Why is a number added to the name of a search results window? (Multi) So you can differentiate between search results So the name on the search results window matches the name of the search form Because multiple search results windows can be open simultaneously
15. What can you track in your Favorites list? Saved searches Worklist Web sites
Frequently used data
16. Why would you use a Where Referenced search? To list the child parts of the selected assembly
To find out what groups are assigned to work on a particular database object To identify database objects that has a reference to the selected object
Assessment II
1. What objects are included in the item structure, by default? (Multi) Item master form Item revision master form Dataset
Item revision
2. Which best defines a Teamcenter item?
A fundamental Teamcenter object used to manage information A seldom used object to be created only if needed A tool to edit any CAD file
The best database object to send through a workflow
3. Only one sequence can be active at any given time for an item revision. True False
4. Which form displays additional attributes specific to the item? Item revision master form Item properties form Item master form Item attributes form
5. Which objects stores and manages a collection of data for each important change to a Teamcenter item? Folder
Item revision Change request Dataset
6. What is the main function of a Teamcenter dataset?
To store workflow data for downstream release management systems To organize data into sets of similar functionality To create item data
To store and manage data files created using an external software application
7. In the My Teamcenter application, which command is used to create the next item revision? Save As File>Revise Save
8. What new object is created by selecting an item revision and choosing File>Save As?
Named reference Change object Item revision Item
9. Why are Teamcenter users organized by groups and roles? (Multi) To manage data access privileges (read, write, and delete) To manage company-wide HR data
To organize data according to which group created it To define and control review and approval privileges in workflow
10. Where would a user change their default role? (Multi) Edit>User Settings Default roles can only be set by the group administrator Edit>Options Edit>Properties
11. What action can users take on an item checked out by another user? View the item and its properties Check out the item
Modify the item properties
12. What does an implicit checkout do?
It unlocks an object for modification by other users
It manually locks an object against modifications by other users until the object is manually checked in
It locks a dataset against modifications by other users only while the object is being modified
13. What are the two types of data protection? (Multi) Group-based protection Item-based protection Object-based protection Rules-based protection
Assessment III
1. A product structure is: (Multi) Visualization data
An indented view of product assemblies and piece parts A workflow process
Sometimes called a bill of materials (BOM)
2. When an item is an assembly, you will see one of the following objects that exist for the item revision object but do not exist for piece parts. Which one? BOM view revision Item revision master BOM compare Assembly folder
3. What is the easiest way to view an assembly structure in Teamcenter? Right-click the item revision and choose Send To>CM Viewer Copy and paste the assembly into Design Context Double-click the BOM view revision object Double-click the CAD dataset object
4. Identify the functionality that determines which revision of a component is configured depending on certain criteria in PSE. Revision rules Checkout flag BOM compare
Show/Hide Data Panel
5. When you open an assembly in PSE, the component item revisions are loaded dependent on the revision rule used. True False
6. Precise assembly structures are fixed structures of items configured which specific item revisions. True False
7. PSE displays the information that resides in the ______. Drawing view Dataset view Item revision
BOM view revision
8. When you import a structure from a CAD system, you must manually synchronize the structure with any changes to the native CAD design. True False
9. Choosing the Save command with multiple PSE windows open only saves the changes to the current window. True False
10. Concurrent updates are possible in a single-level assembly. Teamcenter will resolve the updates when they are saved. True False
11. Which of the following applies to a substitute part in an assembly?
Substitute part is a part which is interchangeable with a particular component in an assembly Substitute part is an occurrence of an existing component item revision slightly differing in function
12. Reasons to compare a product structure include: (Multi) Identify component changes between assemblies Find the differences between differently configured structures Test for consistency between multiple views of the same item
13. What object is used to view 3D data? Item revision master form DirectModel dataset Folder
Drawing Sheet dataset
14. Which 3D markup text is attached to the model? Balloon Floating Comment Anchored
15. It is possible to have numerous independent markup datasets for a single visualization dataset, each created by a different user. True False
16. View preferences control which of the following viewing features: (Multi) Background color Labels Selection appearance 3D markup
Assessment IV