【期刊名称】《数字技术与应用》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)009
【摘要】An improved digital watermarking algorithm based on wavelet transform was proposed on basis of meeting requirement of protecting information copyright. The third level detail sub-images decomposed from the original image using three levels Discrete Wavelet Transform( DWT) are divided into non-overlap blocks. The meaningful watermarking information is embedded into the larger energy blocks to get robust and imperceptible watermark. Final y, using Matlab7.0 software to simulate experiment, the results show that the algorithm is applied to imply the watermark image has good invisibility, and through a variety of degradation processing, show that after embedding watermark image has good robustness and imperceptible by comparing the NC similar values.%为使数字水印在信息安全和版权保护中起到更好的作用,本文提出一种基于小波变换的数字水印算法。该算法将载体图像经小波分解后,选择第三级细节子图块中能量最大的块嵌入的水印,从而保证嵌入的水印具有良好的不可见性、鲁棒性和透明性。最后,运用Matlab7.0软件进行实验仿真,结果表明应用本算法实现的水印图像具有很好的不可见性,并对图像进行各种退化处理后,通过比较其NC相似值,说明嵌入水印后的图像具有良好的鲁棒性和透明性。
【关键词】数字水印;离散小波变换(DWT);块能量 【作者】邢秀琴;叶志忠;邢秀娟
【作者单位】中北大学机械工程与自动化学院 山西太原 030051;太原重工股份有限公司 山西太原 030024;山西晋缘网络技术有限公司 山西太原 030000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TN941.1 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_digital-technology-application_thesis/0201236765381.html 【相关文献】
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