Level 5 Unit 7
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Listening Comprehension
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True Or False T T F T F T F T T F
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Spot Dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. Y ou will hear the passage THREE TIMES. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. (10 points
Scientists have known for some time that a severely reduced 11 makes some animals live longer. Now, researchers are getting closer to understanding why. They say the finding might also lead to a similar understanding in people, and 12 like diabetes.
Scientists have 13 a protein in the body, SIRT-2, as one that seems to 14 . Researchers have managed to increase life spans by up to 40 percent in fruit flies, yeast and worms by stimulating the over-production of SIRT-2. Conversely, reductions in the protein have shortened the organisms' life spans.
Scientists think they may be close to understanding how SIRT-2 works and, potentially, how it 15 to help humans live longer.
SIRT-2 16 to produce glucose, a type of sugar, which the body 17 . Glucose also
comes from the food we eat, but excess glucose from food causes more wear and tear on cells than the natural glucose produced by liver. The more wear and tear the faster 18 .
Cell biologist and study author Pere Puigserver says people age because their bodies 19 by excess glucose from food.
\other tissues by creating oxidative stress due to hypoglycemia or high fat content,\explained. \
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :food intake
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正确答案 :a treatment for diseases
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :homed in on
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正确答案 :affect longevity
正确答案 :might be harnessed
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :stimulates the liver
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :uses as fuel
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :the body ages
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正确答案 :are constantly being bombarded 20. 请根据需要填入 Script:
正确答案 :Increasing calorie intake Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points
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Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the \is linked to a broad, complicated system of pric es in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.
If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define \would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that supply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total \order that they may evaluate a given price.
21.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Delivery Terms in Transactions
B. The Inherent Weakness of the Prices System C. The Complexities of the Prices System D. Market Transaction
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :C
22.It can be inferred from the passage that the prices system is related primarily to
A. products and services B. resources and market C. transportation and insurance D. labor and education
请根据需要填入 Script: 正确答案 :A
23.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT an element in the complete
understanding of the price? A. The quality of a product. B. The amount of a product. C. Warranties that cover a product.