论 文
学 生: 学 号: 院 (系):
专 业: 指导教师:
2014 年 2月 23 日
—— 以西安市户县农村为例
关键词:生活环境 受教育情况
Under the background of the modernization of the relationship between state and society change. In Marx's view, the state is not always existed, but the social development to a certain stage of the product, are the result of different conflicts of interest in society. This determines the hi g e r than the national, social masses above the historical position of the rulers, so Marx for e s aw the government of service type government is under the control of the people, the people are the source of power, the government must be based on people's need to perform their duties, serving the people. Therefore, the government must take people's care, related to the vital interests of the people realize, solve. And the people's livelihood problem is the people's real interests, the government must solve the livelihood issues can be put one's heart and soul into serving the people. We conducted a survey in the winter, people's livelihood in rural areas of H u Xian. Here is the survey report this time.
Keywords: Environment Education