Part One Early and Medieval English Literature
I . Fill in the blanks.
1. In 1066, _____ , with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating
En gla nd.
A. William the Conq ueror B. Julius Caesar C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius
2. In the 14 century, the most important writer (poet) is _____ .
A. Lan gla nd B. Wycliffe C. Gower D. Chaucer 3. The prevaili ng form of Medieval En glish literature is ___ .
A. no vel B. drama C. roma nee D. essay 4. The story of ___ is the cul min ati on of the Arthuria n roma nces.
A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. Beowulf C. Piers the Plowma n D. The Can terbury Tales 5. William Langland ' s written in the form of a dream vision. A. Kubla Kha n B. Piers the Plowma n
C. The Dream of John Bull D. Morte d ' Arthur
6. After the Norma n Conq uest, three Ian guages existed in En gla nd at that time. The
Norma ns spoke ___ .
A. French B. En glish C. Latin D. Swedish
7. _____ was the greatest of En glish religious reformers and the first tran slator of
the Bible.
A. Lan gla nd B. Gower C. Wycliffe D. Chaucer
8. Piers the Plowma n describes a series of won derful dreams the author dreamed,
through which, we can see a picture of the life in the ____ En gla nd. A. primitive B. feudal C. bourgeois D. moder n
9. The theme of ___ to ki ng and lord was repeatedly emphasized in roma nces.
A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedie nee D. mockery
10. The most famous cycle of En glish ballads cen ters on the stories about a lege ndary
outlaw called ____ .
A. Morte d ' Arthur
C. The Can terbury Tales
B. Robin Hood
D. Piers the Plowma n
11. _____ , the “ father of English poetry ” and one of the greatest narrative poets of
En gla nd, was born in Londonin about 1340. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawa in C. Francis Bac on D. Joh n Dryde n 12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in ____ .
A. Fla nders B. France C. Italy D. Westmi nster Abbey 13. Chaucer' earliest work of any length is his ________ , a translation of the French Roma n de la Roseby Gaillaume de Lorris and Jea n de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13 th and 14th cen turies not on ly in
France but throughout Europe. A. The Romaunt of the Rose B. “A Red, Red Rose ” C. The Lege nd of Good Wome n D. The Book of the Duchess
14. I n his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupatio ns that had impact on
the wide range of his writi ngs. Which one is not his career? ___ . A. engin eer B. courtier C. office holder D. soldier E. ambassador F. legislator 议员) 15. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio ' s
poem “ Filostrato ” .
A. The Lege nd of Good Wome n B. Troilus and Criseyde C. Sir Gawa in and the Gree n Knight D. Beowulf Key to the multiple choices 1-5 ADCAB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ADAAB n . Questions 1. What are the features oBeowulf?
2. Comme nt on the social sig nifica nee and Ian guage iiThe Can terbury Tales
Part Two The English Renaissance
I . Match the writer and his works.
A. Apology for Poetry 1. Thomas More
B. Miscella ny of Songs and Sonn ets 2. Holi nshed
3. Hakluyt C. Utopia 4. Richard Tottel D. Discovery of Guia na 5. Philip Sid ney E. Prin cipal Navigati ons, Voyages and
Discoveries Walter Raleigh F. Chro nicies 6.
The key: (1— C
2— F
4— B
5— A
n . Choose the best answer.
1. ___ foun ded the Tudor Dyn asty, a cen tralized mon archy of a totally new type,
which met the n eeds of the rising bourgeoisie. A. He nry V B. He nry VII C. He nry VIII D. James I
2. The first complete English Bible was translated by ______ , the morning star of
the Reformation\A. William Tyn dal B. James I C. Joh n Wycliffe D. Bishop Lan celot An drews
3. The progress in in dustry at home stimulated the commercial expa nsion abroad. en couraged
exploratio n and travel, which were compatible with the in terests of the En glish mercha nts. A. Henry V. B. He nry VII
C. Henry VIII D. Queen Elizabeth
4. Except being a victory of England over _____ , the rout of the fleet Armada”
(Invincible) was also the triumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the decli ning old feudalism. A. Spai n B. France C. America D. Norway
5. Those, both traders and pirates like ____ , established the first En glish coloni es.
A. Francis Drake B. Lan celot An drews C. William Caxt on D. William Tyn dal
6. ___ was a forerunner of classicism in En glish literature.
A. Ben Joh nson B. William Shakespeare C. Thomas More D. Christopher Marlowe 7. The most gifted of the “ university wits ” was _____ . A. Lyly B. Peele C. Gree ne D. Marlowe 8. Morality plays appeared after ____ .
A. miracle plays B. mystery plays C. interlude D. Classical plays 9. ___ is used to say and do good thi ngs.
A. Mercy B. Folly C. Vice D. Peace 10. ___ is one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.
A. Phillip Sid ney B. Edmu nd Spe nser C. Thomas More D. Walter Raleigh
11. ___ is not a famous translator in the English Renaissanee.
A. Thomas North B. Thomas Wyatt C. George Chapma n D. Joh n Florio
12. ___ had supplied Shakespeare with the material for Julius Caesar.
A. Lives of Greek and Roan Heroe《希腊罗马名人传》 B. Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets C. Don Quixote
D. History of the World
13. ___ was one of the first to see the relation between wealth and poverty to
un dersta nd that the rich were beco ming richer by robb ing the poor. A. Joh n Wycliffe B. William Caxt on C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Thomas More 14. Utopia was written in the form of ____ .
A. prose B. drama C. essay D. dialogue 15. One of the popular morality plays was ____ .
A. The Shepherds B. Everyma n C. The Play of the Weather D. Gammer Gurtons Needle 16. Shakespeare ' s plays written between ____ are sometimes called all end in rec on ciliati on and reunion. A. 1590 and 1594 B. 1595 and 1600 C. 1601 and 1607 D. 1608 and 1612
17. Miranda is a heroinein Shakespeare ' s _______ .
A. Pericles B. Cymbeli ne C. The Win ters Tale D. The Tempest 18. In _____ appearedShakespear^ Sonne, Never before Imprinted (《莎士比亚十
roma nces