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Article 13 Planning of land for road construction should be in accord with overall land use plans and the annual use of land for road construction should be brought within the annual construction land use plan.
Article 14 National road plans shall be drawn up by the State Council department in charge of communications in conjunction with the relevant State Council departments and in consultation with the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-governed municipalities bordering the road, and shall be reported to the State Council for approval.
Provincial road plans shall be drawn up by the provincial, autonomous region or centrally governed municipality people's government departments in charge of communications in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level and in consultation with the lower level people's governments bordering the road. They shall be reported to the people's government of the province, autonomous region or centrally-governed municipality for approval and put on file with the State Council department in charge of communications.
County road plans shall be drawn up by the county level people's
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government departments in charge of communications in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level. They shall be reported to the immediately superior level people's government for approval once they have been examined and approved by the same level people's government.
Township road plans shall be drawn up by the county level people's government departments in charge of communications with the assistance of township, minority nationality township and town people's governments and reported to the county level people's government for approval.
County and township road plans approved in accordance with Paragraphs 3 and 4 should be reported to and put on file at the department in charge of communications immediately superior to the approving authority.
Provincial road plans should be co-ordinated with national road plans. County road plans should be co-ordinated with provincial road plans. Township road plans should be co-ordinated with county road plans.
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Article 15 Road for special use plans shall be drawn up by the work unit in charge of the road for special use and, after examination and approval by the superior department in charge, shall be reported to the department in charge of communications of the people's government above county level for verification.
Road for special use plans should be co-ordinated with road plans. Departments in charge of communications of people's governments above county level which discover aspects of road for special use plans not in co-ordination with national, provincial, county or township road plans should suggest amendments. The departments and work unit in charge of the road for special use should make corresponding amendments.
Article 16 Local adjustments to national road plans shall be decided by the authority which drew up the plans. If national road plans require major amendment an amended plan shall be put forward by the authority which drew up the plans and reported to the State Council for approval.
If approved provincial, county or township road plans require amendment an amended plan shall be put forward by the authority which drew up the plans and reported to the original approving authority for
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Article 17 The names and symbols of national roads shall be decided by the State Council department in charge of communications. The names and symbols of provincial, county and township roads shall be decided by the department in charge of communications of the provincial, autonomous region or centrally governed municipality people's government in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council department in charge of communications.
Article 18 Planning and new construction of villages, small towns and development zones shall preserve the stipulated distance from roads and shall avoid encroaching on roadsides in order to prevent roads from becoming streets and so affecting safe and unimpeded passage on roads.
Article 19 The State shall encourage use of roads for special use for public transport. When roads for special use are used principally for public transport they may, on the application of the work unit in charge of the road for special use or of the relevant party with the agreement of the work unit in charge of the road for special use, and with the approval of the provincial, autonomous region or centrally governed municipality people's government department in charge of communications, be
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redesignated as provincial, county or township roads.
Article 20 Departments in charge of communications of people's governments above county level should safeguard the orderly construction of roads in accordance with their duties and should strengthen monitoring and administration of road construction.
Article 21 As well as finances allocated by all levels of people's governments, including those transformed from funds collected in accordance with the law by tax levy for use on road construction, funds may also be borrowed in accordance with the law from domestic and foreign financial institutions or foreign governments.
The State shall encourage domestic and foreign economic organizations to invest in road construction. Companies developing and operating roads may in accordance with the law and administrative regulations raise funds through issue of shares or company bonds.
Revenue from road toll rights which are assigned in accordance with the provisions of this Law must be used on road construction.