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【摘 要】目的:研究对比ELISA法与胶体金法检测血液抗-HIV的准确性和临床应用价值。方法:对2015年10月至2017年10月100份血样进行HIV抗体检验,所有血液样本均同时进行ELISA法与胶体金法检测;对比ELISA法与胶体金法检测血液抗-HIV的准确性和灵敏度。结果:ELISA法检出阳性23例,其中假阳性占4.55%;胶体金法检出阳性24例,其中假阳性占9.09%;ELISA法联合胶体金法检出阳性22例,检出率为100%;可见ELISA法检出抗-HIV阳性假阳性比胶体金法更低,二者联合检测则准确率更高。采用ELISA法检测,确诊为抗-HIV阳性最大稀释比例比胶体金法显著更大,差异有统计学意义(P 【关键词】抗-HIV检测;ELISA法;胶体金法;准确性;灵敏度
Abstract Objective: To study the accuracy of the detection of blood ELISA method was compared with colloidal gold anti -HIV and clinical application. Methods: HIV antibody test from October 2015 to October 2017 of 100 blood samples, all blood samples were simultaneously detected by ELISA and colloidal gold method, showed positive samples sent to CDC confirmed by western blot. The detection of blood; the ELISA method was compared with colloidal gold anti -HIV accuracy and sensitivity. Results:ELISA was positive in 23 cases, including 4.55% false positives; colloidal gold were positive in 24 cases, the false positive rate was 9.09%; the ELISA method combined with colloidal gold were positive in 22 cases, the detection rate was 100%; the detection of anti -HIV positive false positive ratio of colloidal gold lower visible ELISA method, two joint detection is accurate a higher rate of. The maximum dilution ratio of anti -HIV positive
diagnosed by ELISA method was significantly higher than colloidal gold method, the difference was statistically significant (P
Key words: Anti -HIV detection; ELISA method; colloidal gold method; accuracy; sensitivity
【中图分类号】R446.11 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2018)05-03-0-01 艾滋病全称为获得性免疫缺陷综合症,是一种严重传染病,由艾滋病病毒所(HIV)引起,病死率极高,现阶段并无治愈的药物和方法,但是可对该病进行预防。近年来,艾滋病在我国的发病率呈现逐渐增长的趋势,传播速度也加快,所以准确的早期HIV病毒抗体血清学检测对艾滋病防控有积极的作用[1]。当前对HIV抗体初筛检测常用ELISA法与胶体金法,为了对比ELISA法与胶体金法检测血液抗-HIV的准确性和临床应用价值,选择更为合适的检测