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accustomed disisTrous

precaution overcome

campaign revive

aitisric ierrear

infinite distract

plunge^ mission.^


The closing of the cigarette factory had __________ effects on the town ' economy.

第一空 disastrous

2. accustomed disastrous precaution overcome campaign revive aitisric iet rear in finite distracr plunge* mis si OIL*1 I ' velways envied painters and poets —I have no ___________ ability at all. 第 1 空:artistic


a.亡 ciistomed disastrous as to board a plane.

第 1 空:overcome

precaution overcome campaign revive artistic icrrear infinite distracr plunge^ mission.*1 He' sstruggling to _____ his fear of flying, but he still panics sometimes when he h 4.

accustomed disisTrous

precaution oveicom e

campai gn anistic iet rest

infiinhe plunge+J 1


di 吕 tract mission.-1

She held her newborn baby with _________ tenderness.第 1 空:infinite 5.

ai 匚 customed precaution disa_slrou.s cident.第 1 空:plunged 6.

campai gn revive mini 匚 retreat infl nite plunge* ovdcom e di 呂tract mission.*1 The whole nation was _______ into profound grief when Princess Diana died in an ac a.匚 customed precaution ovdcom e campai gn revive anisti 匚 iet rear infiinhe distract phinge* missLon.+, diss-STrous The volunteers ___ _ is to work with the police to reduce crime on the streets of New York.第 1 空:mission 7.

accustomed precaution oveicom £ campaign artistic retreat infinite district plunge^ mission.*1 disastXDUS revive The city is planning a public ________ to awaken people to the problem of noise pollut ion.第 1 空:campaign 8.

accustomed precaution overcome campaign revive aitisric icrrear infinite distracr plunge^ mission.*1 disa_sTrous Once their books are open, A students don' tet anything _____________ them from their stu dies.第 1 空:distract 9

a.亡 custoniied precaution campaign revive

artistic retreat

infinite distract

pluiige+J 1 mission.*1


oveicom £

He was knocked unconscious by a stone, and after I _____________ him, he didn ' tcogniz e me.第 1 空:revived

a.亡 customied precaution disisr 匸 oils oveicom e

campaign revive

artistic retreat

infinite distract

plmige+J 1 mission.*1

Amanda wasn' tfeeling well that day but she performed in the play with her _________________ ease .第 1 空:accustomed 11.

a.亡 CTistomed precaution campaign revive artistic retreat infinite distract plunge* mission.*1 disist com oveicom £ When you feel overwhelmed by the complications ___ to the countryside for a few days.第 1 空:retreat

of life in the big city, it ' good to

accustomed precaution overcome campaign i已vh巳 artistic infinite reirea-t disnact plunge^ ’ mi 豈 ionp disastrous In times of war, people usually buy and store more food as a _______________ against shorta ges.第 1 空:precauti on

词汇题 recniiiiiiendatioii ? converges sacrifice horrify^ surgei- labek (ransplant*1 moiiva(&4? consiituie^ resenb prejudice Please ____ all the boxes clearly so that we'll know which ones are ours and whic h belong to you.第 1 空:label


recammendation^ triinsplant^ converge motivate1 sacri fice*3 constitiHe horrify resent*1 surge p bond*1 labels prejudice It's not a simple question. Many different factors have ____________ to create the current cr isis.第 1 空:con verged


converge^ sacnfiDe^ horrify- surges labels transplanT^ molivcite^ constitute* resenb1 bond a prejudice^ I can never repay my parents for the many ___________ they made for me.

第 1 空:sacrifices


[ecnmEnendatioii- converge^ tnotivarc.i sacrifice- constitute* horrify^ resents surges bond P labels prejudice* rransplftnt*1 Research show s that humor and fear are two effective ways to ______________ students.

第 1 空:motivate


recnminendfition^ converge^ sacrifice(- horrify- surges 1 abeli- 1 Fransplftnb constitute* resent*1 bond * prejudice* At first tea was produced only in China; it was later _____________ to India and Japan.

第 1 空:tran spla nted


re e ammendation 尸 conver^e^ sacrificen- horrify surges labels rranaplant^ motivate^ constitiHe resent*1 bond * prejudice The sight of the animals' suffering so _________ him that he vowed never to visit the z oo again.第 1 空:horrified 7.

reenminendfitioni- tmnsplantp converge^ Sacrifices horrify- surges labels motivaic1 constitute- resent*1 band * prejudice*- A mother's _____ with her newborn baby is an infinitely deep one that nothing can replace.第 1 空:bond 8.

recomniendation^ converge^ sacrifice- horrify- resent*1 surges labels tnotivatc constitute. bond * prejudice* In Australia, women _______ 51% of the population, but occupy only 19% of the man agerial positions.第 1 空:constitute 9.

recam mendation 戶 converge^ sacrifice^ 扛 orrify surge labels rr^nsplsmt1 motivate - const itiHe resent*1 bond*1 prejudice higher wages

Thousands of striking workers ________ into the city square, demanding and better working conditions.

第 1 空:surged


recommendations 1transplant* conver^e^ sacrifice constitide horrify' surges labels motivate - resent*1 bond * prejudice There was a deep-rooted racial _________ long before the two counties became rivals a nd went to war.第 1 空:prejudice 11.

recommendfition- 1rranspl^nt* converge^ tnotivaTc.i sacrifice- constitute. horrify- resent*1 surge *- bond P labels prejudice* Mary ___ having to go to work while her husband sits about the house all day.

第 1 空:resents


recomtuendation^ converge^ sacrifices horrify- resent*1 surges labels tnotivaTcp consritute. bond』 prejudice* Not all of the author's ______ for improving students' performanee at school are logic al.

第 1 空:reeommendations



ensureJ escalate- surpass quail 五 edq conflict q apparent* justify J approver rq^ resent .J We expected Ellen to do well, but when she got straight A' sshe ______________ all our exp ectations.第 1 空:surpassed 2.

ensureJ escalate- surpass quail 五 cck conflict q apparent* justify J approver rq^ resent .J You made a good decision, and I thoroughly ___________ of it.第 1 空:approved 3.

ensureJ escalate- surpass quail 五 edq conflict q apparent* justify approver rq^ resent .J They arrived at the stadium three hours early to ____________ that they ' get good seats.

第 1 空:en sure

4. thrive^ escalate- etisiue^ represent surpass^ qualified^ conflict apparent* j 口 strfy^ approve^ The company is now _______ thanks to the skillful management and outstanding tech no logy.第 1 空:thrivi ng



