少儿英语故事:称象 Weighing the Elephant
A long time ago, people who lived in China knew that a strange, amazing beast called an elephant lived in a faraway land, but no one had ever seen one. One day, a ruler came to see the Emperor of China. He brought a gift, and that gift was a real, live elephant! Never in China had anyone seen anything like it. As soon as the royal guest left, it was all anyone at court could talk about. “This elephant is bigger than a water buffalo1!” said one mandarin2.
“Are you kidding?” said a second. “It’s bigger than a rhino3!”
“You must be joking,” said a third. “This elephant is bigger than TWO rhinos4!”
One day the Emperor said to his mandarins, “I want to know how much this amazing elephant weighs. Who can tell me how to weigh it?”
“I can!” said the first mandarin, who used to be a merchant. “We will just put it on a scale5.”
“Not likely,” said the Emperor. “There is no scale that could hold the weight of an elephant without breaking.”
“I can tell you!” said the second mandarin, who used to be a tailor. He said, “We will measure the elephant.”
“No,” said the Emperor with a sigh. “Even if you measured all the different parts of an elephant, you would still not know how much it weighs.”
“I can tell you!” said the third mandarin, who used to be a baker6. “We will cut up the elephant and cook it. Then we will know.”
“We will surely7 NOT do that!” roared8 the Emperor. “Is there NO ONE who can tell me how to weigh the elephant?”
Then a small voice said, “I can.”
All eyes turned to the voice. It was the Emperor’s son! “Son!” said the Emperor. “You should be in bed.”
“But I know how,” said the boy. “And we won’t need to cook it first.”
“Very well,” said the Emperor with a smile. “Tell me how to weigh the elephant.”
The boy described what to do.
Here is what the boy said. “You put the elephant in a big boat and take the boat out on the water. Draw a line on the side of the boat where it meets the water, at the watermark. Then bring the boat back to shore and take the elephant off the boat. Put rocks on the boat, one by one. When the boat sinks to the same watermark line it had when the elephant was in it, bring the boat to shore again. Take out the rocks and weigh them, one by one. That is how you can tell how much the elephant weighs!\ \ “It will work!” called out the first mandarin. “What a clever plan!” said the second.
“Who knew this child would know?” said the third. And the fame of Emperors son traveled far and wide 英语故事:女王和老鼠
很久之前,有个王后和她的小女儿被囚禁在一个高塔里,过得很艰苦。后来来了一只老鼠,总是变出美味的食物给她们吃。王后一直想送自己的女儿出高塔,而下面的老妇人说可以帮她这个忙,但是需要老鼠做为回报。王后拒绝了这个要求…… Once upon a time a wicked King from a faraway country invaded the land where a Queen ruled. The invader1 King captured the Queen and her baby daughter as prisoners. When he returned to his kingdom, he shut them both into the highest room of a tall tower. The room was very tiny and bare, with only one table and a very hard bed.
Then the enemy King sent for a fairy who lived near his kingdom. He nearly pushed the Fairy up the stairs to the Queens room. The Fairy was touched by the sight of the Queens miserable2 condition. When she kissed the Queens hand, the Fairy whispered to her, \ The Queen whispered her thanks. Then the wicked King cried harshly, \