Wiggle wiggle wiggle(伸出双手,十指快速弯曲伸直地跳动) Shake shake shake(甩甩双手)
Roll roll roll roll9(双拳在胸前绕动)
Fingers run away(抖动手指,然后双手藏到背后身体坐直)
Little Fox(小狐狸)
Little fox little fox,(双手做成狐狸爪子的样子放在腮下,眼神做出贼头贼脑的样子) laying fier ,(双手做出火苗的样子)
Fire fire fire,(双手做出火苗升高的样子)
Oh!my tail!(迅速捂住屁股,从小椅子上弹跳起来) 全意:小狐狸玩火,烧到尾巴.
Two Little Blackbirds(两只小八哥) Two little blackbird (竖起大食指) Sitting on a hill,
One named Jack (一只手伸向前)
And one named Jill. (另一只手伸向前) Fly away,Jack. (一只手放背后)
Fly away, Jill. (另一只手放在背后) Come back, Jack. (抽回一只手) Come back, Jill.. (抽回另一只手) 全意:两只小八哥,住在山顶上,一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔,杰克飞走了,吉尔飞走了,杰克,回来!吉尔,回来.
Knock, Knock(敲一敲)
Knock, knock, (敲敲额头)
Peek in, (两手放眼睛前面,做打开眼状) Open the latch, (向上顶孩子的鼻尖) And walk right in.(把手指伸进嘴巴)
How do you do Mr. Chin, Chin, Chin.(捏捏孩子的下巴) 全意:敲一敲,瞧一瞧,拉开门,走进去,你好吗,下巴先生?
Bumblebee was in the barn, (手指在空中转圈)
Carrying his dinner under his arm. (手转圈接近孩子) Bzzzzzzzzz?? (轻轻戳一下孩子)
Round the garden(花园周围) Round and round the garden,
Goes the little mouse. (握住孩子的手,掌心向上,用另一只手的食指在掌上划圈) Up,up,up he cree ,
Up into his house.(手指顺胳膊而上,在下巴或腋窝处搔痒) 全意:花园来了小客人,原来是只小老鼠,悄悄爬悄悄爬,爬进了家
奥尔夫学的英文手指歌 ◆手指游戏
This little piggy went to martke This little piggy stayed at home This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none
And this little piggy cried, “wee-wee-wee..” All the way home
clap, clap , clap your hands clap along with me,
clap, clap , clap your hands clap along with me
clap a little faster(slower) now clap along with me
clap a little faster (slower) now clap along with me
◆英文歌谣《The Elephant Goes》
The elephant goes like this, like that. (四肢着地,慢慢地像大象一样走) He's terribly big, (站起来,把手举高) And he's terribly fat. (双臂向两边伸开)
He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指) He has no toes, (摇动脚趾)
But goodness gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情) What a nose! (指鼻子)
◆歌曲《One little flower》
One little flower
(伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状) One little bee
(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞) One little blue bird, high in the tree.
(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中) One little brown deer, smiling at me.
◆I'm laughing.哈哈(张开嘴巴,做大笑状), I'm smiling.嘻嘻(手指放在脸旁,做微笑状), I'm crying.呜呜(手成拳头,翻转做哭泣状), I'm angry.哼哼(两手放在腰间,做生气状)。
Where is Thumbkin
Where is Thumb-kin? Where is Thumb-kin? Here Iam,here I am;How are you to-day,sir? Very well,thank you, Run away, run away. Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer?
Here Iam,here I am;How are you to-day,sir? Very well,thank you, Run away, run away. Where is Tall Mam? Where is Tall Mam?
Here Iam,here I am;How are you to-day,sir? Very well,thank you, Run away, run away. Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man?
Here Iam,here I am;How are you to-day,sir? Very well,thank you, Run away, run away. Where is Baby? Where is baby?
Here Iam,here I am;How are you to-day,sir?