英 语 试 卷
说明:1.英语试卷满分 50 分,时间 40 分钟。 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号、身份证号填写在答题卡规定的位 置上。
3.必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。 4.所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上、草稿纸上答题无效 5.考试结束后,考生只将答题卡交回。
一、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
At the age of 16, Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with some bad kids. One weekend morning, Einstein carried a fishing net and prepared to go fishing with those calmly,\, you were spending too much time future with your mother.\
\? Jack and Robert also 4 , but they went fishing as usual.\2 1 , his father stopped him and said to him 3 about your , so you failed in the exams. I'm \, you can't think so,\, his father said lovingly, \5 in our hometown.I hope you can listen to it carefully.\
\. 6 , they fell into the chimney(烟囱).When they climbed out of the chimney, one cat's face was dirty 7 the other's face was clean. Seeing the dirty-faced cat, the clean-faced one thought its own face was also dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its 8 . The dirty-faced cat saw the clean-faced one, thinking its own face was clean as well, so it walked happily in the street.\
\, 9 can be your mirror(镜子). Only you are your own mirror. Some of the kids are not strict with themselves. If you take them to be your mirror, even a 10 person may become stupid.\, Einstein was ashamed and lay down his fishing rod and returned to his small room. Since then, Einstein's face turned red. He put down his fishing net and returned to his small room.
After that, Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be 11 with himself and kept telling himself. \ special, so I needn't be as common as others.\12 in his career.
1,000 people have 1,000 kinds of wishes in life. Different wishes will produce different 13 about life. You can learn from other people, but you can 14 follow others completely.
中考英语试卷 第 1 页 共 5 页
You must see yourself clearly, and know what you want to get.Your future doesn't what you are going to act. 1、A. adults 2、A. playing 3、A. excited 4、A. checked 5、A. song 6、A. Luckily 7、A. while 8、A. mouth 9、A. somebody 10、A. poor 11、A. tired 12、A. regretted 13、A. ideas 14、A. sometimes 15、A. try on
15 how others act, but on B. kids B. working B. curious B. passed B. story B. Hopefully B. or B. tail B. nobody B. rich B. angry B. graduated B. reasons B. often B. depend on
C. teachers C. reading C. worried C. dreamed C. speech C. Suddenly C. so C. nose C. anybody C. lazy C. strict C. succeeded C. mistakes C. always C. live on
D. artists D. studying D. crazy D. failed D. saying D. Naturally D. for D. face D. everybody D. clever D. satisfied D. survived D. secrets D. never D. insist on
二、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
Thousands of years ago, people didn’t know that the Earth moved. They thought the sun really did move across the sky. The Greek god Helios was said to drive the sun around the sky with his chariot ( 战 车 ). But now, these ideas have all changed. Nowadays, it is the sun that drives our
“chariot” around the sky.
So what does all this mean? Well, quite simply, there is now a plane (or “chariot”) that is
powered by the sun. It has special parts in its wings. These parts absorb power from the sun. They absorb so much power that they can carry on flying at night. In the Greek myths (希腊神话), Helios had to take a break at night. It seems we’re finally even more efficient than the gods themselves.
This plane is called Solar Impulse (“太阳驱动”号). It will fly across the US in May. This is very important for the future of the world.
So why is solar energy so good for us? Well, other kinds of energy cause a few problems. If you live in China, you’ve probably noticed the pollution. This is caused by burning coal or gas to make energy. The heat and chemicals (化学制品) from this make things work. But if we use the heat from the sun, we don’t have to burn anything, and there’s no pollution.
中考英语试卷 第 2 页 共 5 页
Solar energy is not all there yet. It needs to be improved. But the best thing about it is that, unlike coal and gas, it doesn’t run out. Solar Impulse could keep flying forever. Well, actually, the sun will run out too, one day, but not for another 5 billion years. That’s a pretty long flight.
16. What does “chariot” really refer to in the last sentence of Paragraph 1?
A. The Earth.
B. The Greek god. D. Birds.
C. Solar Impulse.
17. Which of the following is TRUE of Solar Impulse? A. It can only fly at night.
B. It has already flown across the US. D. It needs gas to work.
C. It is powered by the sun.
18. In the passage, what is mentioned as the cause of pollution in China? A. Overpopulation.
B. Burning coal or gas. D. Heavy traffic.
C. Using solar energy.
19. What does the writer mean by “That’s a pretty long flight”? A. It takes a lot of time to get Solar Impulse going.
B. Solar Impulse moves very slowly.
C. Solar Impulse will be in use for a long time.
D. Solar Impulse has a long way to go to take the place of the sun.
20. The passage is most probably taken from
A. a Greek myth
B. a science fiction D. a science magazine
C. a story-book
三、短文填空(共 15 分)
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词 限用一次。(每小空 1 分,共 10 分)
global with an
originate far fight how develop tell symptom
The novel corona virus( 冠状病毒), which 21 in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has now spread to 12countries, has much in common 22 seasonal flu. They are both viral infections, share similar symptoms and crucially(关键地) can spread from human to human. In the midst of flu season in much of the northern hemisphere, 23 the difference between the two will be vital in stopping its spread. Human corona viruses, of which there are four, can cause respiratory ( 呼吸道)infections similar to flu: while many symptoms are mild, both can lead to pneumonia(肺炎) and become lethal(致命的). 24
, the novel corona
virus is more serious than 25 University of Reading.
26 down into the lungs than would generally be the case. Therefore, it will give you 27
of pneumonia(肺炎): the lungs becoming flooded, they don't function very well and the patient gets
into breathing difficulty.\
While the mortality rates and symptoms of flu and novel corona virus may end up being similar, humans' ability
28 _ off the viruses differs greatly.Human shave naturally built up antibodies to seasonal flu and annual vaccines 29 it. During a pandemic(流行病), which the new corona virus has the potential to become, \no immunity(免疫性) in the population so you have potential for a 30 spread,\第二节 首字母填空(每空 1 分,共 5 分)
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Li Wenliang
Dr. Li Wenliang, one of the eight“whistle blowers” who tried to warn fellow medics(医师) of the novel corona virus 冠状病毒) when it 31 emerged(出现) in Wuhan, died early on Friday. Wuhan Central Hospital confirmed in a statement released on its official Weibo account. “Our hospitals ophthalmologist Li Wenliang was unfortunately infected with corona virus during his work in the fight 32 the corona virus epidemic,”the statement read, adding “He died at 2:58 a.m. on February after attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful.”
“After emergency treatment, Li Wenliang passed away,” the Central Hospital of Wuhan announced on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter. “We deeply regret and mourn Li’s 33 (die).”
Dr. Li is a hero, 34 will live in our hearts forever. May God bless all the courageous doctors and 35 (nurse) fighting on the front line. 四、作文(共 10 分)
36.为抗击新型冠状病毒(NCP),此次寒假我们必须呆在家里,假如你是李华,作为红星中学九年级1 班的班长, 请给你班的同学们写一封信。建议他们不要烦躁,可以在家做一些放松的活动来保证身心健康,并针对如何在上网 课期间,取得更大进步给予建议。 写作要点:
1. 不要焦虑,我们将尽快重返校园。 2. 可以在家进行放松的活动: (1) 阅读,听音乐,下棋。 (2) 室内活动(如做眼保健操)。
3. 针对如何在上网课期间,取得更大进步,给予同学们建议。 写作要求:
(1)不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。 (2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。 (3)字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰。 (4)至少 100 词。 Dear classmates,
How is everything going?
Best wishes!