phonics d英文绘本my friend is sad (和蓝鱼一起轻松学
【儿歌】If you are happy【phonics D】【英文绘本】My Friend Is Sadphonics课程:第1课 回复'pb'可复习《phonics B》第2课 回复'pc'可复习《phonics C》第3课 回复'pd'可复习《phonics D》
廖彩杏推荐书回顾:回复'英文书单'可下载52周100本绘本音视频第1周 回复'a008'可听《Brown Bear,Brown Bear,What do you see》第2周 回复'006'可听《Five little monkeys jumping on the bed》第3周 回复'a023'可听《Hop On Pop》第3周 回复'a132'可听《The Wheels on the Bus》第4周 回复'a130'可听《Go Away Mr Wolf 》第7周 回复'a007'可听《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》第7周 回复'a129'可听《down by the station》第8周 回复'a031'可听《Today is monday》第8周 回复'a131'可听《Henny Penny》第10周 回复'a016'可听《Go Away,Green Big Monster》第10周 回复'a060'可听《Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer》第13周 回复'a045'可听《Ten Fat Sausages》第15周 回复'a033'可听《Sheep in a shop》第16周 回复'a004'可听《Roise's Walk》第16周 回复'a058'可听《I am the music man》第18周 回复'a058'可听《Fox in Socks》第19周 回复'a034'可听《Five Little Ducks》第20周 回复
'a061'可听《Dr.Seuss_ABC》第21周 回复'a018'可听《Guess How Much I Love You》第21周 回复'002'可听《Walking In The Jungle》第23周 回复'042'可听《The Mixed Up Chameleon 》第24周 回复'a039'可听《Sheep in a Jeep》第26周 回复'a035'可听《Good Night, Moon》第28周 回复'a030'可听《Each Peach pear plum》第28周 回复'a002'可听《Papa Please get the moon for me》第28周 回复'a041'可听《Down in the jungle》第29周 回复'a043'可听《King Bidgood's In the Bathtub》第30周 回复'a028'可听《The little mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and....》第31周 回复'a169'可听《Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush》第32周 回复'a036'可听《The Napping house》第33周 回复'a038'可听《Color Zoo》第33周 回复'a046'可听《over in the meadow》第39周 回复'a040'可听《The Very Quiet Cricket》第39周 回复'a044'可听《The Foot Book》第42周 回复'a037'可听《Is Your Mama a Llama》第43周 回复'a029'可听《Owl Babies 》第43周 回复'a168'可听《 The Animal Boogie》第44周 回复'a032'可听《One fish,two fish 》第46周 回复'a011'可听《Chicka chicka boom boom》第47周 回复'a057'可听《Chicken Soup with Rice, A Book of Months》第49周 回复'a047'可听《Silly Sally》第49周 回复'a127'可听《Eating the Alphabet Fruits》经典英文绘本回顾:回复'a001'可听《Dear Zoo》回复'a004'可听《Roise's
Walk》回复'006'可听《Five little monkeys jumping on the bed》回复'a012'可听《Five little monkeys play hide and seek》回复'a087'可听《Five little monkey with nothing to do》回复'a133'可听《Five Littele Monkeys Sitting in a Tree》回复'a089'可听《Five Little Monkeys Wash The Car》回复'a011'可听《Chicka chicka boom boom》回复'a015'可听《No, David》回复'a022'可听《David Goes to School》回复'a016'可听《Go Away,Green Big Monster》回复'a018'可听《Guess How Much I Love You》回复'a020'可听《My Friend is Sad》回复'a021'可听《We are Going on a Bear Hunt》回复'a047'可听《Silly Sally》回复'a048'可听《Bark, George》回复'a049'可听《Olivia》回复'a051'可听《Click,Clack,Moo Crows That Type》回复'a052'可听《Llama Llama Red Pajama》回复'a055'可听《Where the Wild Things Are》回复'a062'可听《If You Give A Mouse A Cookie》回复'a064'可听《Row Row Row Your Boat 》回复'a065'可听《Mouse Paint》回复'a066'可听《 Where's My Teddy》回复'a068'可听《Handa's Surprise 》回复'a069'可听《Llama Llama holiday drama》回复'a070'可听《Elephants Cannot Dance》回复'a072'可听《The Kissing Hand》回复'a074'可听《Dr. Seuss:Great Day for Up》回复'a075'可听《In The Night Kitchen》回复'a077'可听《Happy Birthday,Danny and the Dinosaur!》回复'a079'可听《Kitten's First Full Moon》回复'a080'可听《The Runaway