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Unit 8 Time went by quickly! 第8单元 光阴似箭! 1.Listen,look and talk. 1.听,看,说。

Dinosaur lived 65,000,000 years ago. 恐龙生活在6500万年以前。

Fire was used 500,000 BC by Peking man. 公元前50万年北京人就开始使用火。

The Pyramids were built between 2940-2900 BC. 金字塔建造时期在公元前2940到公元前2900。

The Great Wall of China was built around 214 BC. 中国的长城大约在公元前22020年建造。

Edinburgh castle was built between 1059-1093. 爱丁堡古堡在1059-1093年建造。

It was restored in 1745 to what it looks like today. 它在1745年被修复后就一直是今天这样。

The old London Birdge was built between 1176 and 1209. 古老的伦敦桥于1176到1209年建造。

The first plane was flown in 1903 by the American Orville Wright.

美国的怀特兄弟于1903年试飞成功第一架飞机。 Computers began to be in use in the early 1930s. 计算机的开始应用实在20世纪30年代早期。

Tom Kilburn wrote the world's first computer programme in 1948 at Manchester University.


Robots were first made in the 1950s. 机器人在20世纪50年代制成。

The USSR completed the first space walk in 1965. 苏联在1965年完成了第一次太空行走。

The World Wide Web has existed since 1992. 自1992年以来互联网才开始存有。 Global Village 地球村

4.Listen,look and talk. 4.听,看,说。 Harry's week 哈利的一周

Last week,a newspaper reporter came to the Brown school. 上周,一位报社记者去了布朗学校。

He asked some students about their daily life, and how they spent their time for the week.


This is the talk between the newspaper reporter and Harry. 这是报社记者和哈利之间的对话。

Would you please tell me something about your daily life and how you spent your time last week

你能告诉我一些关于你日常生活的事和你上周怎样度过的吗? I usually get up at about seven o'clock. 我经常在7点起床。

Then I have my breakfast at about seven thirty. 然后我在大约7点半吃早饭。

Later on,I watch a few minutes of cartoons. 然后,我看一会儿卡通片。

Our school starts at nine o'clock and finishes at four o'clock.

我们学校9点开始上课,4点放学。 I have my lunch at one o'clock. 我在1点吃中午饭。

Did you watch a lot of TV last week? 你上周看了很多电视吗?

Well,yes,I like to watch TV. 嗯,是的,我喜欢看电视。

So each day I watch about two hours of TV. 所以每天我看大约两小时的电视。

Did you have some time to play games with your friends? 你有时间和你朋友一起玩游戏吗?

Yes.I usually play games with my friends after class 有。我经常和朋友们在下课后玩游戏。

But last Sunday we played in the afternoon,and we had lunch at two p.m.

但上周日我们在下午玩的,下午两点吃的中午饭。 Do you often play computer games? 你经常玩电脑游戏吗? No,not very often. 不经常。

Last week I only played computer games on Saturday and Sunday for a short time.

上周我只在周六和周日玩了一小会儿电脑游戏。 What else did you do last week? 上周你还做其他事情了吗?

I visited my grandmother after I played games with my friends on Sunday afternoon.


Oh,by the way,I went shopping last Saturday afternoon,and then I helped my dad wash his car.

哦,顺便说一下,上周六下午我去购物了,然后协助爸爸洗洗车。 You really enjoyed yourself. 你真的很愉快。 Yes,I really did. 是的,我确实是。 Thanks very much. 非常感谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。

6.Listen,look and read. 6.听,看,读。

Long ago,people remembered the time by couning the number of nights they had slept.


People used a sandglass to measure cooking time. 人们用沙漏来衡量做饭时间。 In the late 9th century, 在9世纪后期,

people used candles to tell the time indoors.



