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新概念英语第一册Lesson 43-44 练习题(无答案)

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A great ship asks for deep waters.大船要走深水。 Lesson 43 and Lesson 44

一 根据句意填空(10分) 1. Can you the tea?

2. Is there water in this kettle?

3. The tea is there behind the teapot.

4. I can see the teapot, I can’t see the tea.

5. Look,the teacher is standing in of the blackboard.

6. is in the cupboard? There are some cups in the cupboard. 7. I can’t my schoolbag. Where is it? 8. up! The kettle’s boiling.

9. I can see some coffee,but I can’t see any of bread.

10. I can see Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown,but I can’t see wives.

二 用适当的介词填空(10分)

1. Is there any water this kettle?

2. There is a quarter a pound of tea in the bag. 3. That tin of tobacco is not me.

4. What are you going to do that letter?

5. Mr. Jones is walking the bridge with his family. 6. The cats are running the wall. 7. The village is two hills.

8. The tea isn’t in front of the teapot. It’s it. 9. Please give that hammer me.

10. My wife and I are walking the street.

三 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. We are doing (we) homework. 2. Hurry up! The kettle is (boil).

3. There are some (car) in front of the building.

4. The mother is going to take some ice-cream to her (child). 5. Those picture are very (love).

6. The man is walking between the (policeman). 7. The pencil is blunt. Give him a pencil (sharpen). 8. She is dusting the (dress) table.

9. There is a (colour) picture on the wall. 10. The dog is running (cross) the grass.

四 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. Can Sam (make) the tea?

2. Penny (put) the tea behind the teapot now. 3. (hurry) up! Or we are late.

4. not (put) the bag on the chair. 5. Look,the kettle (boil).

6. the aeroplane (fly) over the bridge? Yes,it is.

Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.


A great ship asks for deep waters.大船要走深水。 7. The man (read) in the living-room now. 8. I’m going (see) my grandfather tomorrow. 9. Sam can (find) the teacups. 10. We must (be) careful.

五 选择填空(10分)

( ) 1. Sam make the tea? No,he can’t.

A. Must B. Can C. Does D. Is ( ) 2. there any water in this kettle?

A. Are B. Be C. Am D. Is

( ) 3. Sam can see the teapot, he can’t see the tea.

A. and B. so C. but D. for

( ) 4. this kite fly?

A. Is B. Can C. Are D. Do

( ) 5. They must do today.

A. their homeworks B. they homework C. their homework D. them homework

( ) 6. The Chinese people very . A. are,friends B. are,friendly C. is,a friend D. is,friendly ( ) 7. Can you find them? Yes,here .

A. you are B. they are C. I am D. it is

( ) 8. Hurry up! The kettle .

A. boiling B. boil C. boils D. is boiling

( ) 9. Are there hammers here? Yes,there are. There are on the


A. some,any B. any,some C. a,a D. a,some ( ) 10. Here is a pound sugar.

A. for B. of C. in D. on

六 句型转换(10分)

1. Sam can see the tea. (变为否定句) Sam the tea.

2. There is a teapot in front of Sam. (就划线部分提问) front of Sam? 3. They must hurry. (就划线部分提问) What they ?

4. There is some soap on the cupboard. (变为否定句) There is soap on the cupboard. 5. He is dropping the vase. (就划线部分提问) is he doing the vase?

6. George is going to paint this bookcase. (就划线部分提问) is George going to ? 7. He can boil some water. (就划线部分提问) he ? 8. Julia can see some cars. (变一般疑问句)

Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.


A great ship asks for deep waters.大船要走深水。 Julia see cars?

9. They are listening to the stereo. (就划线部分提问) are they ? 10. I can wait for you at the bus stop. (就划线部分提问) can you for me?

七 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(10分) 1. 你能沏茶吗?

you the tea? 2. 茶在那茶壶的后面。

Tea is the . 3. 在橱柜里有一些茶杯。

There are some in the . 4. 赶紧,水开了。

up! The kettle is . 5. 在门前有一些牛奶吗?

Is there any in of the door? 6. 我看不见任何刀子。

I see any . 7. 我找不到我的英语书。

I my English book. 8. 那个家庭主妇打算洗盘子。

The housewife is to wash the . 9. 你能煮鸡蛋吗?

you the eggs? 10. 在那边有一个大楼。

There is a over .

八 补全对话(10分)

A: Hi,Li Feng. Could you 1 . me,please? B: 2 ! A: Thank you. I want to 2 these books 4 school. But they’re too 5 . I 6 carry them.

B: Let’s 7 them 8 the box. A: Ok.

B: Now put the box 9 my bike. A: Oh,good! Thanks. B: You’re 10 .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

九 完形填空(10分) Jim: Kate!

Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.


A great ship asks for deep waters.大船要走深水。 Kate: What’s 1 ,Jim? Jim: I can’t 2 down. Kate: Don’t 3 . Li Lei! Li Lei: Hi,Kate. What’s wrong?

Kate: It’s Jim. He’s in that tree. He 4 get down.

Li Lei: Don’t worry. I can help 5 . Jim! 6 this way,please. Jim: Ok. 7 .

Li Lei: No,come here to the wall.

Jim: Right,I’m OK now,thank 8 . Kate: Don’t thank goodness. Thank 9 . Jim: Thanks very much.

Li Lei: You are 10 .

( ) 1. A. he B. that C. this D. wrong ( ) 2. A. get B. study C. learn D. take ( ) 3. A. carry B. worry C. get D. go

( ) 4. A. can B. could C. can’t D. couldn’t ( ) 5. A. him B. his C. he D. her ( ) 6. A. Take B. Carry C. Come D. let ( ) 7. A. thank B. thanks C. think D. thinks ( ) 8. A .good B. goodness C. let’s D. goodbye ( ) 9. A. Jim B. Kate C. Li Lei D. Tom ( ) 10. A. come B. well C. welcome D. go

十 阅读理解(10分)

We have three pictures here. In Picture One,we can see a boy in his bedroom. You can find books on the floor. You can also see some clothes on his bed. Under his desk is something like his socks. His name is Jim.

In Picture Two,we see a girl. She has a broken plane in her hands. She wants her friends to help her. They can mend it. Then she can play with it again.

We see a big tree in Picture Three. Who’s in that tree? It’s Sam. He’s there for Lucy’s kite. Lucy has her kite now. But Sam can’t get down. Lucy wants her father to help Sam. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)

( ) 1. We can see six pictures in this passage. ( ) 2. The boy in Picture One is Jim.

( ) 3. There are some clothes on Jim’s bed. ( ) 4. Jim’s plane is broken.

( ) 5. A girl wants to mend her plane in Picture Two. ( ) 6. Jim always looks after his things. ( ) 7. There is a big tree in Picture Three. ( ) 8. Sam is a good boy. ( ) 9. Sam is in the big tree.

( ) 10. Lucy wants to play with her plane.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.


A great ship asks for deep waters.大船要走深水。 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.


新概念英语第一册Lesson 43-44 练习题(无答案)


