conformability of contents,the continuity of activity implementation,the connection between picture books and daily life,the diversity of education fields,as well as the children’S interest for book as a generativity of study.In short,we should select picture use them in different environments,games,and activities by means of theme carder,and activity network diagram;and we should also adopt the methods of comprehensive evaluation,formative evaluation,and summative evaluation,to constantly make and of and adjustment,reflection summary activity objective,content
well as education as to the process,as strategy,SO optimize theme activity and promote overaJl of children. growth activitiesresearch Keywords:Picture book;kindergarten;theme IV
目 次
目 次
摘要 . ..... ABSTRACT .. 目次
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1.绪论 .. 1 1.1研究背景 .1 1.1.1多元智能理论支持下兼顾因材施教与均衡发展的幼儿教育 1 1.1.2幼儿园主题活动的产生、发展及其变革 .1 1.1.3绘本的产生以及在幼儿教育方面蕴含的独特价值 ..2 1.1.4当前主题活动存在的问题 . 5 1.2研究目标、研究内容、研究意义 ..7 1.2.1研究目标 . ..7 1.2.2研究的内容 一 ..7
1.2.3研究意义 7 2.文献综述 .. . .9 2。1概念晃定 .9 2.1.1绘本 .9 2.1.2绘本教学 9
2.1.3载体 . 9
2.1.4主题活动 . ..9 2.1.5幼儿园课程 10 2.1.6园本课程 ..10 2.2研究现状述评 ..10 2.2.1有关绘本的研究 ..10 2.2.2有关主题活动的研究 .13 2.2.3以绘本为载体的幼儿园园本课程的研究 15 3.研究方法与过程(研究意义、研究内容及研究方法) 17 3.1研究主体的基本情况 ..18 3.1.1研究现场 ..18 3.1.2班级教师 ..18 3.2资料的收集与分析 .18 3.2.1研究资料收集 .18