【期刊名称】《微型机与应用》 【年(卷),期】2012(031)014
【摘要】介绍AVR单片机ATmega16和计算机的串行通信的软、硬件设计,采用VisualBasic6.0中的MSComm通信控件实现计算机与单片机ATmega16之间的串行通信。文章详细阐述了程序的设计流程,并给出了部分程序代码。实验证明该系统可以实现ATmega16与计算机之间的通信。%The hardware and software of serial EIA-232 communication between AVR single chip ATmegal6 and the computer are proposed. Communication control MSComm is used to realize the communication between the computer and the single chip. The flows of the program design are illustrated in details, and parts of program are also given. The experiment result indicates that the system works well. 【总页数】4页(30-33)
【关键词】ATmega16;计算机;串行通信;Visual;Basic6.0 【作者】韦晓茹;蔡志坚;居戬之
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TN386.5