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比较人体形态学 形态切片资料参考

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旗开得胜 1、正常心脏(normal heart) 要点(main points):

①心肌细胞(myocardial cell)

心肌细胞核居中,平行排列(the central nuclei and the syncytial arrangement of the fibers)

②闰盘(intercalated disks)

心肌的纵切面可见色深、粗线状的闰盘结构(pale pink intercalated disks)诊断(diagnosis):

2、心肌萎缩(Myocardial atrophy) 要点(main points):

①心肌细胞萎缩(Atrophy of myocardial cell) 心肌纤维的纤细,心肌核细长,为心肌萎缩;心肌组织内间质增多。Shrinkage in the size of myocardial cells which reveal narrow and long cellular body and nucleoli in their morphology. ②脂褐素(lipofuscin)

高倍镜下:萎缩心肌细胞两端附近有小堆黄褐色颗粒状色素,它是萎缩细胞胞浆内的细胞器大量退化、部分未能被溶酶体酶降解,形成的残体积聚,即脂褐素。In both ends of myocardial cells, insoluble, brownish-yellow granular intracellular material could be found, so called “wear-and tear pigment”

3、皮肤肉芽组织Granulation tissue of the skin 要点(main points):

由新生的毛细血管和增生的纤维母细胞构成的疏松结缔组织,伴有炎细胞的浸润。(Highly vascularized loose connective tissue with newly formed capillaries, proliferating fibroblasts, and interspersed inflammatory cells )


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旗开得胜 4、胃粘膜上皮肠化(intestinal metaplasia) 要点(main points):

肠上皮化生(intestinal metaplasia) 胃粘膜上皮的细胞被肠上皮细胞取代,出现杯状细胞、潘氏细胞、肠吸收细胞(Gastric epithelium is replaced by intestine-type epithelium(globet cells, paneth cells and absorptive cells)

5、脾梗死(infarction of spleen) 要点(main points):

①梗死灶(infarct) 梗死灶一片红染,组织结构轮廓尚存,尖端指向脾门,梗死灶边缘见充血出血带.(red in infarct by a narrow rim of hyperemia, the outline of the tissue structure may persist for weeks,the tip point to the gate of spleen.)

②梗死灶淋巴细胞(lymphocytes in infarct) 梗死灶细胞核消失,甚至无细胞结构(the nuclear changes in infarct appear in three patterns: pyknosis, karyolysis and karyorrhexis, or no cell structure.)

6、淋巴结干酪样坏死( Lymph node caseous necrosis) 要点(main points):

淋巴结中部大片坏死,结构难辨。边缘部残存的淋巴组织与坏死组织交界外依稀可见淋巴组织。中部为大片无定性结构,是典型的干酪样坏死病理特点。Large piece of necrosis could be seen in the center of lymph note. The necrotic focus is composed of structureless, amorphous granular debris normally enclosed within a distinctive ring of granulomatous inflammation.

7、慢性肺淤血(Chronic pulmonary congestion) 要点(main points):


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旗开得胜 ①肺泡腔(alveoli) 肺泡腔有淡红染水肿液和心衰细胞(red edema fluid and heart failure cells in alveoli); 肺泡腔的巨噬细胞内有含铁血黄素沉积形成心衰细胞(Hemosiderin-laden in macrophages appear in alveoli.)

②肺泡间隔(alveolar septa) 肺泡壁毛细血管扩张,充满红细胞,壁变厚,纤维化(Alveolar capillaries engorged with blood, the septa become thickened and fibrotic.)

8、慢性肝淤血(chronic hepatic congestion) 要点(main points): ①肝细胞(hepatocytes)

肝细胞萎缩,部分肝细胞脂肪变(hepatocytes showed atrophic and fatty change) ②肝窦(sinusoid)

肝窦扩张,充满红细胞(sinusoid dilated and filled with red blood cell) ③中央静脉(central vein)

中央静脉扩张(central vein dilated)

9、急性肺水肿(acute pulmonary edema) 要点(main points):

①肺泡壁(alveolar septa)

肺泡壁增宽,其中小血管扩张充血(alveolar septa widened and the small vessels dilated and filled with red blood cells) ②肺泡腔(alveolar space)

肺泡内充满粉红色水肿液(alveolar space filled with pink edema fluid)

10、混合血栓( mixed thrombus) 要点(main points):


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比较人体形态学 形态切片资料参考


