【期刊名称】《科技传播》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)005
【摘要】The traditional optimization methods of network evaluation, only through the road test, point test to obtain user perception information, such as network coverage, call quality, but road test and spot test is often only tested on some roads, key sites, the user’s date of sampling point often much less than obtained by MR method, therefore, the results of the analysis are one-sided. Using the MR data comprehensive analysis, understand the quality of the network is very effective.%传统的网络评估、优化方法,只能通过路测、定点测试来获得用户感受信息,如网络覆盖情况、通话质量情况等,而路测和定点测试往往只能对一些主干道、重点场所进行测试,所获得的采样点数据相对于MR的用户信息要少得多,因此分析的结果存在片面性。使用MR数据全面分析、了解网络质量情况很有效。
【关键词】WCDMA;RSCP;MR;业务密度;盈利分析 【作者】任洪彬;刘文鹏
【作者单位】市中讯邮电咨询设计院有限公司,河南郑州450007;市中讯邮电咨询设计院有限公司,河南郑州450007 【正文语种】中文