[i:] [i] [E:] [E] [O:] [O] [u:] [u] [A:] [V] [Q] [e] [ai] [ei] [Oi] [iE] [CE] [uE] [Eu] [au] [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [f] [v] [s] [z] [T] [D] [S] [Z] [tS] [dZ] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] [m] [n] [N] [h] [r] [l] [w] [j]
英语国际音标共48个,其中20个元音,20个辅音,3个鼻音,2个半元音,3个似拼音 元音 12个单元音
长元音 [i:] [E:] [O:] [u:] [A:] 短元音 [i] [E] [O] [u] [V] [Q] [e]
8个双元音: [ai] [ei] [Oi] [iE] [CE] [uE] [Eu] [au] 辅音10对
清辅音 [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [T] [S] [tS] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音 [b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [D] [Z] [dZ] [dr] [dz] 3个鼻音 [m] [n] [N]
3个似拼音 [h] [r] [l] 2个半元音 [w] [j] 巧记48个国际音标
单元音共十二,四二六前中后。 双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊, 四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。 关于语音的几个概念:
AHD表示美语发音,The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(简称AHD)
KK音标是一套用于标注美式发音的符号系统, 这是一套最常用的也是最权威的注音法,从此人们把美语标准发音惯称为KK音标。 DJ是根据英国学者Daniel Jones编的英语发音字典 (English Pronouncing Dictionary, 1963)中的标音而来.
英式读音根据的是English Pronouncing Dictionary 《英语正音辞典》。它们代表了被称为“Received Pronuciation”(RP)(标准读音)的读音,这在受过教育的英国人尤其是南部英格兰人中通用。 1888年国际语音协会 (International Phonetic Association) 的语言学家便制定出一套可国际通用的语音符号叫国际音标符号
(IPA─International Phonetic Alphabet),希望以一个符号代表一音,并避免各人使用一套自己的符号所产生的不便。 音素: 音的最小单位,英语中有48个音素. 音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位. 58英语学习
元音: 发音响亮,是乐音,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分.英语中有20个元音.
辅音: 发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是音节的重要组成部分,英语中有28个辅音.
开音节: 1)辅音+元音+辅音+不发音e 如:kite cake name bike make take home plane shine
2)辅音+元音 如:he hi go no do be tree three hello
闭音节: 1)辅音+元音+辅音 :sit bed bad bag hot hop let mad map head 2)元音+辅音 如: it is of in on up out ant
A chicken is in the kitchen. / A horse is in the house. A mouse is in the cat’s mouth.
A sheep eats some beef and drinks some green tea 1 元音:
1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie
three tree green sheep meet beef see seek
eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean piece receive ceiling 2) [i]发音字母 i y e
sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [?] 发音字母 a
bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 58英语学习网 4) [e] 字母组合 ea e a head bread pleasure
elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any
5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or
girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world
6) [ε] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u
teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar
together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday 7) [a:] 字母组合 ar a car farm card arm garden
fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) [:] 发音字母 u o ou oo
up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood
9) []字母组合 al or au our ar
small wall talk tall hall ball call walk
short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) [] 发音字母 o a
hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not want wash watch