万邦船舶管理(上海)有限公司 MSI Ship Management(Shanghai) Co ltd
船舶重大危险源识别清单 Ship Hazards identification list Activity/ Product/Service 活动/产品/服务 Key Hazards in these areas Prevention Measures 关键危险源 预防措施 Operation with small craft personal injury, fatality, Prepare fender . alongside与小船并排作业 damage to craft / ship人身伤properly make 害、死亡、船舶损坏 fast,monitor the movement. 备好防碰垫,正确系固,密切监视操作. Working with Electrical Personal injury, Check the insulation . Equipment and Batteries与电electrocution, damaged wear PPE. 检查绝缘状气设备和电池有关 equipment人身伤害、触电、态。 穿戴安全防护设备 设备损坏 Painting within ship在船喷漆 Fire and Explosion火灾和爆Prohibit naked lighting 炸 严禁明火. 保持良好通风 Use of Power Tools (electrical Personal injury, Strictly follow up the and high pressure) 电动工具electrocution人身伤害,触电 operation procedure. 的使用(电动及高压) Wear proper PPE. 严格遵守作业程序, 正确穿戴防护设备. Hotwork热工 Fire, explosion, burns火灾,Strictly follow up the 爆炸,烧伤 operation procedure. Wear proper PPE严格遵守作业程序, 正确穿戴防护设备. Strictly follow up the operation procedure. Asphyxia, Fatality, fire, Wear proper PPE严格遵explosion窒息,死亡,火灾,守作业程序, 正确穿戴爆炸 防护设备. Work in Enclosed Spaces密闭空间作业 Mooring Unmooring Make mistakes, personal Strictly follow up the Operations下锚解缆作业 injury, fatality, business loss, operation procedure. property damage犯错误、人Wear proper PPE严格遵身伤害、人身伤亡、业务损失、守作业程序, 正确穿戴财产损失 防护设备. Ship to Ship Mooring Make mistakes, personal Strictly follow up the Operations船舶间系泊作业 injury, fatality, business loss, operation procedure. 万邦船舶管理(上海)有限公司 MSI Ship Management(Shanghai) Co ltd
property damage犯错误、人Wear proper PPE严格遵身伤害、人身伤亡、业务损失、守作业程序, 正确穿戴财产损失 防护设备. Lifeboat launching/救生艇释放作业 Make mistakes, personal Strictly follow up the injury, fatality, property operation procedure. damage犯错误、人身伤害、Wear proper PPE严格遵人身伤亡、财产损失 守作业程序, 正确穿戴防护设备. Make mistakes, personal Test before loading. injury, fatality, property Stowage as per damage犯错误、人身伤害、required as IMDG code.人身伤亡、财产损失 装前测试, 根据危规正确积载。 妥善运输。 Dangerous cargo operation/危险性质货物作业 Heavy cargo loading/dishing Make mistakes, personal Properly stowage, 重大件货物装卸 injury, fatality, property lashing, handling damage犯错误、人身伤害、during voyage. 正确积人身伤亡、财产损失 载, 绑扎, 航次中间密切监测状态。安全卸到码头. Single Point Mooring Make mistakes, personal Strictly follow up the Operations单点系泊作业 injury, fatality, business loss, operation procedure.严property damage犯错误、人格遵守作业程序. 身伤害、人身伤亡、业务损失、财产损失 Quarantine issue to crew –COVID19 新冠病毒对船舶的检疫 Crew effected by virus . lost Strictly follow up the of life, health. Ship was self protection isolated. 船员 感染新冠病procedure. Wear 毒。 人身伤亡, 健康受损。 proper PPE.严格遵守自船舶被隔离 我保护程序。 正确穿戴防护设备。