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Two people had great effects on the English changes. One was Shakespeare, who 7 (large) the English 8 (词汇) ; the other was Noah Webster, 9 wrote a dictionary 10 gave American English its own identity.


1.A lot of students p_______________ at the meeting took part in the discussion. 2.The tall tree was struck by l___________ and broke.

3.The robber was caught when he was filling his car with p__________ at the filling station. 4.Go up in an e_______________ to the fifth floor.

5.He looked calm, but a__________ he was very nervous

6.In the word “happy” the _________(重音) is on the first syllable.

7.He has a poor _________________(词汇), so he can't express himself correctly. 8.The gentlemen disclosed their own __________(身份).

9.Anyone who wants to learn English well must remember the ___________(惯用法) of English.

10.Though he is not a ___________(本国的) English speaker, he can speak English very fluently.

3. .单项选择 1.(2009·安徽卷)-Do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with your students? -______, I do. I think it’s a great idea. A.Really B.Obviously C.Actually D.Generally 2.His uncle made a film ______ his story in his childhood. A.based on B.was based on C.basing on D.to base on 3.(2010·山东潍坊质量监测)It could be judged from her eyes ______ she was very satisfied with her performance.

A.what B.which C.that D.where

4.The money collected should be made good use ______ the people in Sichuan Province who suffered a lot in the earthquake.

A.of helping B.to help C.to helping D.of to help

5.During the flight to the Moon, Chang’e I Satellite ______ adjusts her direction so that she can go into her programmed orbit and then circle around it at the most appropriate angle(角度).

A.eventually B.gradually C.constantly D.continuously

6.I’m Chinese and I do feel ______ Chinese language is ______ most beautiful language. What’s your opinion? A.the; a B./; the C.the; / D./; a

7.______ as a serious problem at present, it has drawn a lot of people’s attention. A.Recognize B.Recognized C.Being recognized D.Having recognized 8.The army received a command that they ______ to the front immediately. A.would march B.must march C.should march D.were marching

9.The newly-founded chess club formally ______ us to attend the opening ceremony. A.requested B.required C.demanded D.commanded 10.(2009·江西一模)Films, ______ the one you told me about yesterday or the one that will be on, ______ not worth seeing.

A.including; is B.as well as; are C.besides; is D.such as; are

11.The part that China ______in the international affairs ______ in the international society.

A.plays; is widely praised B.plays; is wide praised C.takes; widely praised D.takes; wide praised

12.______, a sleepy driver killed twenty-two students and teachers in a traffic accident in Shanxi Province. A.What's more B.After all C.Believe it or not D.More or less

13.Many students make great progress in listening ______ the large amount of time devoted to it.

A.because of B.instead of C.in case of D.in spite of 14.—Oh, it's you! I ______ you.

—I've just had my hair cut, and I'm wearing new glasses.

A.didn't recognize B.didn't know C.haven't recognized D.haven't known 15.He won't change his mind ______ you go and try to persuade him yourself. A.since B.until C.as if D.even if

1.答案:1.speaking 2. as 3. The 4. or 5. based 6. because

7.enlarge 8.vocabulary 9.Samuel Johnson

答案1.present;2.lightning;3.Petrol;4.Elevator;5.actually 6.accent;7.vocabulary 8.Identities 9.Usage 10.native 1.答案:C 解析:考查副词。really真正地;obviously明显地;actually实际上; generally大体上。actually在句中起加强语气的作用,相当于sure,certainly, of course。 2. 答案:A 解析:based on为过去分词短语,在句中做后置定语修饰a film。

3. 答案:C解析:考查名词性从句。语意为:她对她的表现很满意,这可以从她的眼睛里判断出来。It是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主句。 4.答案:D 解析:make (good) use of“(好好)利用”,变为被动时态即be made use of;句中to help the people...为不定式做目的状语。

5. 答案:B解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意为:在飞往月球的途中,嫦娥一号卫星逐渐调整她的方向以便能进入预定的轨道并以合适的角度绕其运行。A.最终;B.逐渐地;C.不断地;D.继续地。

6. 答案:A 解析:第一空需填the,指“汉语”;第二空填a, a most beautiful language是泛指,其中most相当于very。

7. 答案:B 解析:be recognized as“被认为是……”;句中recognized为过去分词做状语。 8.答案:C 解析:command“命令”,其 that从句中用“(should)+动词原形”。 9. 答案:A 解析:表示正式委婉的请求用 request。

10. 答案:D 解析:such as 用于列举事物。又因为主语为复数,第二空格用 are,故选D。本句译为:像你昨天告诉我的电影,以及即将上映的,都不值得看 11. 答案:A 解析:第一空考查短语 play a part in; 第二空考查被动语态 12. 答案:C 解析:考查固定短语。

13. 答案:A 解析:考查介词短语。because of“因为”

14.答案:A 解析:句中表示“刚刚没有认出某人”用 didn't recognize 15.答案:D解析:考查 even if引导让步状语从句。


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 字数:216 完成时间:15分钟 难度:**** For the past weeks, Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea (ROK), had been swept with anger. Tens of thousands of people 21 by candlelight with banners,saying \people filled the streets to 22 the government's beef import from the United States.

Several countries had 23 imports from America following a case of mad cow disease in 2003. But in April the ROK's government agreed to continue the 24 .

The protests soon grew into a 25 one against President Lee Myung-bak's polices on everything from democracy to 26 reform.

Last December when Lee won the election he was thought by people in the country as a(n) 27 leader who could save the ROK from 28 economic growth and cold ties with the United States. Since taking office, Lee opened doors for foreign companies, and reformed the teaching of English. He also became the first leader to be invited to the US presidential retreat of Camp David. The night before his visit, he agreed to lift the ban on American beef to show his eagerness to 29 ties.

But this time, his people felt he had gone too far. \offering tribute to a Chinese emperor,' said Kim Spooky, who joined the protest with her two children. \ 30 .

21. A. fought 22. A. protect

B. marched C. celebrated B. support

D. sang

D. defend

C. protest

23. A. stopped B. continued C. restricted D. controlled

D. sale D. stronger

D. education D. aggressive D. value

24. A. exportation B. production C. importation 25. A. fiercer B. broader C. narrower 26. A. laws B. customs 28. A. steady 29. A. destroy 2语法填空

B. proper B. rebuild

C. trade

27. A. wise B. violent C. cruel

C. break

C. healthy D. low

D. impressive

30. A. persuasive B. controversial C. ashamed


In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 31 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with

confidence and without hesitation. 32 , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success 33 language learning. 34 good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only 35 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and 36 meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 37 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of 38 (advise) for those 39 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and 40 (write) the language whenever we can. 3阅读理解


One summer my friend and I decided to go to Italy for a holiday and we decided to travel there without going through a travel agency. You know, you would be submerged (淹没) in crowds of tourists and lose lots of opportunities to get familiar with the country more closely. We started to think over our trip and managed to come up with a free tour of Italy.

The trip was not very long but it was still very impressive. We look forward to going there again! Of course, we spent lots of time arranging the trip, but it was well worth it! Of course I was afraid that something would go wrong and I was especially anxious about my visa, but everything went quite smoothly in the end.

The most difficult part was getting a visa without an invitation. In the Italian consulate(领事馆), one must hand in some official paper proving that one has a hotel booked for oneself in order to get the visa. Then we had to solve the ticket problem. Airlines often sell cheap tickets and we bought ours far in advance. The next step was to book a hotel. We finally booked a hotel about thirty km away from the heart of Rome and it was the perfect choice for our trip.

Every day we took a train that carried us to the heart of Rome. Our big house, which was surrounded by the forest, was a rare girl for the fresh air and absolute silence, beautiful views, hospitable (好客的) hosts, comfortable living conditions delighted us to no end. Besides this, we were very lucky that our mistress was Russian. She gave us a lot of advice that was of great use. She told us what transport to choose and where the best places to go. Don’t be afraid to arrange your trip by yourself. It’s not difficult! The only thing I'll say right now is that we really enjoyed traveling by ourselves. We walked with a map and a guide-book to wherever we wanted and we even met some of our fellow countrymen on the way just two or three times. So, if you're also planning a \trip, don't forget to take a Russian-Italian phrasebook as people in Italy prefer to speak in their native tongue. 41. Why does the author want to go to Italy again?

A. He had a great time there. B. Italy has a lot of attractions. C. His friend invited him there D. He didn't stay in Italy long enough. 42. What does the author think was the hardest in preparing for his Italian trip? A. Buying cheap airline tickets to Italy before the traveling B. Getting a visa without an invitation from the Italian consulate. C. Booking a comfortable hotel on his own in Rome. D. Solving the ticket problem far in advance. 43. In the fourth paragraph the author mainly explains A. the reason why he chose to live in the center of Rome B. the reason why the hotel he booked was the right choice C. what transport they chose to travel in their Italian trip D. the reason why the mistress gave them some advice

44. Which of the following questions has NOT been answered in the passage? A. Why did the author decide to go to Italy for a holiday for the first time? B. Why did the author decide not to follow a travel agency? C. How did the author prepare for his trip? D. What tools did the author use for his traveling? 45. From the text we can know the author

A. enjoys traveling everywhere in the world B. likes being accompanied by tour guides C. advises us to arrange trips by ourselves D. met with a lot of his countrymen in Italy [答案]


41.A。 原因判断题。根据第二段 “The trip was not very long but it was still very impressive.

We look forward to going there again!”结合第四段的内容以及最后一段中的“The only thing I’ll say right now is that we really enjoyed traveling by ourselves.”可知,意大利之行他们玩得很尽兴,给他们留下了深刻的印象,所以想再去意大利,因此选A。

42.B。 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“The most difficult part was getting a visa without an


43.B。 段落大意题。根据第四段对旅馆周围环境、交通情况以及该旅馆的好处的介绍,可知作者在第四


44.A。 主旨大意题。文章第一段第二句讲述了他们不愿意随旅行社出游的原因,B项提到了;文章第二、

三两段讲述作者怎么去准备他的出行的,所以C项提到了;根据最后一段的“We walked with a map and a guide-book to wherever we wanted?”可知D项提到了。纵观全文,作者并没有提到他为什么去意大利旅游的原因。

45.C。 推理判断题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第一段说不想在旅游团的拥挤的人群中,也不想错过

更多亲近意大利的机会,以及最后一段的“Don’t be afraid to arrange your trip by yourself.”可以推断出应该选择C。其余选项没有依据。


21. B。据语境及下文“1000,000 people filled the streets”可知人们上节游行 22. C。据上文“Mad cow drives us mad”可知人们对政府从美国进口牛肉表示抗议

23. A。据下文“following a case of mad cow disease”可知几个国家早就停止了从美国进口牛肉 24. C。据关键词“But”和“continue”可知答案是importation

25. B。据下文可知抗议的范围已从“反对政府从美国进口牛肉”延伸到“ 反对总统的各种政策,所以范围变宽了。

26. D。据下文“reform the teaching of English”可只答案是“教育”的改革 27. A。他既然赢得竞选,当初在人民心中的印象自然不差 28. D。据语境“save the ROK”可知答案

29. B。据上文“save the ROK from cold ties with the United States.”和“agreed to lift the ban on American beef”可知李现在是急于与美国重建关系

30. C。据段意见可知人们认为李这样做是令人感到羞耻的。



31. it 指代前面的foreign language。 32. Thirdly 根据上下文得知这是第三点。

33. in 在语言学习方面没有容易取得成功的办法。34. A 好的记忆力有助于学习,memory为可数名词。 35. to memorize 不定式作真正主语。 36. their 指代前面的words。 37. If 前后是条件关系。 38. advice 一条建议,此处应用名词。 39. who 引导定语从句,先行词是those。 40. writing 练习做某事应用practise doing sth。



