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SNAI Master Thesis Pre-defense Form

(International Students)

学 号 Student No. 论文题目 Thesis Title 预答辩地点 Pre-defense Venue 姓 名 Name 专 业 Major MPAcc 导师姓名 Name of Advisor 论文字数 Word Count 预答辩时间 Pre-defense Time 预答辩等级评定 Pre-defense Assessment 一级指标 Level 1 Indicator 二级指标 Level 2 Indicator 评价观测点 Assessment Criteria 选题来源于本专业或相关管理实践; 论文目标明确; 评定分值 Score 选题具有应用价值和理论意义。 选题(20分) 论文价值与意义(20分) Topic Thesis value and significance Relevance of the topic selected to the subject or management practices; (20 points) (20 points) Clear purpose for writing the thesis; Application value and theoretical significance of the selected topic. 文献资料搜集的全面性、新颖性; 总结归纳、评述的客观性、正确性。 内容(35分) 理论与文献综述(5分) Content Theory and literature summary Completeness and originality of literature research; (35 points) (5 points) Objectivity and accuracy of summary and comments. 运用科学、合理的研究方法和研究工具; 研究方法(10分) Research methodology points) 研究过程设计与论证合理、充分。 (10 Application of science-based and appropriate research methods and tools; Design of research process, and appropriate and sufficient demonstration. 具有第一手资料、调查数据或统计数据; 研究资料翔实,资料运用合理、得当。 数据与资料(10分) Data and reference (10 points) Use of first-hand reference, research data or statistics; Sufficient research materials and their proper use. 工作量饱满(论文数据量、分析程度及篇幅等); 研究深度与工作量(10分) 研究工作深入,有难度。 Depth and workload of research Adequate workload (amount of data, depth of (10 points ) analysis and length of thesis); Depth and difficulty of research. 研究成果明确、具有可信度; 成果的可靠性(10分) 研究成果具有合理性、先进性。 Reliability of outcome (10 Clear and credible research outcome ; points) Reasonable and cutting-edge research outcome. 成果(30分) 研究成果具有实践应用价值; 成果的实用性(10分) Outcome 预计可产生经济效益或社会效益。 Application value of outcome (30 points) Practice and application value of outcome; (10 points) Expected economic or social benefits. 结论的创新性(新颖性)(10分) Originality of conclusion (10 points) 具有用新思路、新视角、新方法解决问题的能力。 Ability to solve problems with new thinking, perspectives or approaches. 论文以相关学术理论为支撑,合理运用专业知识分析问题,理论与分析紧密结合。 写作(15分) 基础理论和专业知识(5分) Supported by relevant academic theories, the Writing Basic theory and academic thesis analyzes the subject matter with (15 points) knowledge (5 points) academic knowledge and combines theory and analysis. 恪守学术道德和学术规范; 逻辑严谨,文字通顺流畅; 引注、参考文献(中外文)、图表等准确、规论文写作规范性(10分) 范。 Compliance with thesis writing Strict compliance with academic codes and standards (10 points) standards; Rigorous logic and fluent writing; Accurate and standard citation, referencing, charts and tables. 总评(打“√”选择):1、优秀 2、良好 3、中等 4、及格 5、不及格 Overall assessment (use “√” to select): 1. Distinction 2. Merit 3. Mediocre 4. Pass 5. Fail 成绩等级 (百分制计):优秀:100-90(含90);良好:90-80(含80);中等:80-70(含70);及格:70-60(含60);不及格:不及格<60。及格以上为预答辩通过。 Scores and ranks (100 points): distinction: 100-90 (inclusive), merit: 90-80 (inclusive), mediocre: 80-70 (inclusive), pass: 70-60 (inclusive), fail: below 60. Pass and higher ranks indicate a pass for the pre-defense. 专家意见(打“√”选择): 11 1、经修改后通过预答辩 2、经重大修改后通过预答辩 3、未通过预答辩 Jury member decision (use “√” to select): 1. Pass with changes 2. Pass with major changes 3. Fail 预答辩委员(签字): Pre-defense jury member (signature): 年 月 日 _____(day)______(month)_______(year)



