姓 名 系 别 专 业 研究方向 指导教师
XXX MBA 工商管理 营销与战略管理 XXX
学位论文完成日期 XXXX年X月
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学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名:
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声 明
年 月 日
摘 要
目前,我国正积极加快工业化进程,努力推进工业化与信息化的融合,以实现由工业大国向工业强国的转变。ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)是企业信息化的一个基本工具,ERP的应用,可以极大提升企业的市场竞争力,加快工业化与信息化进程,为推进我国新型工业化的进程和增强企业的核心竞争力提供有力的支持。
关键词: ERP 4P 营销策略 市场细分
Nowadays, our country is quickening industrialization and actively speeding the integration of industrialization and informationalization, in order to turn our country to be a “powerful” industry country from a “big” industry country. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), as a fundamental tool of informationalization, can enhance the competence of our enterprise, accelerate the process of industrialization and informationalization, and improve on turning our industry to be “powerful” from “big”.
In these years, the business of ERP in china develops quickly, but the popularization rate of ERP –applying in our enterprise is low relative to the developed country yet, and domestic ERP market is not normal either. Finding out good market policy can bring more revenue for the ERP Company and improve the ERP business. It is more important that lots of domestic enterprises be more capable in management through using ERP, as well as that the whole domestic enterprises’ management is in higher level and international competence is more powerful as consequent result. On this social background, the paper chooses “marketing policy” as object to study. The paper includes 5 chapters, It has introduced the time background, and the sense of studying marketing policy in the first chapter, The paper describes the history of ERP in china, and the current situation, and then classifies all the successful ERP enterprise to 3 styles, introduces situation of some enterprises in the second chapter. In the third chapter, the paper chooses respectively one company from every enterprise-styles as representative, analyzes its market positioning, product policy, price policy and promotion policy in detail by 4Ps theory, and that followed, sums up and compares the policy of different kind of enterprises and abstracts out 3 kinds of strategy, including cooperating strategy, applying strategy and supporting strategy, to deal with the different customers. Then, in the forth chapter, the paper has discussed the application future of ERP in china on the base of the macro economy environment. At last, the paper forecasts the trend of market policy of