表B 1(续
表B 1(续
服务质量评定检查表Service evaluation check list C.1 记分说明Score explanation
C.1 .1 各星级饭店规定得分率:一星级90%、二星级90%、三星级92%、四星级95%、五星级95%。
C.1 .1 Star rating: One star 90 Two star 90 Three star 92
Four star 95 Five star 95
C.1.2 评分规定:服务质量的评定除综合得分率达到规定外,在服务人员的仪容仪表、前厅服务、客房服务、餐饮(酒吧服务、会议康乐服务等五个部位也应达到相应得分率,如其中任何一个部位达不到申请星级的规定得分率,就不能获得所申请的星级。
C.1.2 Scoring standard
Except the score of service must reach the standard score,the grooming,front office service guest,room service,F&B service,meeting&entertainment.Should also reached the standard score.if one of them not reach the standard score. The applicatwn of star rating will not be granted.
C.1.3 评分时,按照项目标准,完全达到者为优,略有不足者为良,明显不足者为中,严重不足者为差。
When evaluating,according to item standard,100%compiled is excellent, slight deviation is good,obvious deviation is acceptable,big deviation is poor.
C.2 评分标准
服务质量评定见表C.1 表 C.1