Ucreate 一起备课 活动设计模板
一 基本信息
提供者:孙倩 陈瑞琳 李莉 吴艳 董海琳 刘慧君 院校:华北理工大学
活动名称:8 traits leading to success
活动类型:Group work
教学环节:Warm-up activity
活动时间:50 分钟课堂听力活动
相关教材章节:新视野大学英语读写教程 3(第三版)Unit 1
所用素材:自编 语言:English
活动相关关键词:8 traits; success; listening
附件题材:TED 演讲
附件话题:8 traits that lead to success
二 内容摘要
This activity offers students chances to enhance listening ability as well as to learn to take notes while listening. Students will get to know the traits that lead to success, which may be helpful for their future development.
三 活动说明
1 活动目的
By taking this activity, students will be able to
1) take notes while listening; 2) understand lectures; 3) know about the 8 traits that lead to success.
2 活动步骤
Preparation steps
1) The teacher prepares a TED lecture video called “8 traits that lead to success”.
2) The teacher designs different types of listening exercises according to the video. In-class steps
1) Students work in groups of 6 and brainstorm traits that lead to success. (10 minutes)
2) Each group writes traits that lead to success they have worked out on the blackboard. Students
vote for 8 best traits. (2 minutes)
3) Students watch the lecture twice and take notes about the 8 traits that lead to success. (8
Ucreate 一起备课 活动设计模板
4) The teacher guides students to compare the traits they have worked out with those mentioned
in the lecture. They may, in each group, vote for 5 traits which they believe would be more effective for them to acquire their future success, and tell the reasons. (10 minutes)
5) Students watch the video again and take notes about the examples the lecturer puts forward for
each trait he has mentioned. Then students are given names of successful people mentioned in the lecture and match them with the 8 traits in Exercise 1 according to the notes they have taken. (5 minutes) 6) Students listen to the audio of the lecture and write down key words. (5 minutes) 7) Students listen to the audio again and fill in the blanks in Exercise 2. (5 minutes). 8) The teacher gives feedback and makes a conclusion on note taking. (5 minutes) 3 活动评估
The teacher should be observing the interaction and offer help when necessary. The teacher should also monitor and supervise students to ensure that they are truly involved in the activity as required and communicate in English. During the whole process of the activity, the teacher should take notes of any problem rises and cope with it in later class period.
Students would also be evaluated by
① The traits leading to success that they have work out in groups (20%);
② The oral presentation they have made about the reasons for the most effective traits
they have preferred (20%);
③ Exercise 1 (20%); ④ Exercise 2 (20%); ⑤ Self-evaluation (20%); Self-evaluation
Tick what you can do I can take notes on the key points in the lecture. I can grasp the main idea of the lecture. I had a better understanding of the traits that lead to success. 1 2 3 4 5 4 活动效果
The TED lecture selected for this activity is proper for students to practice listening ability and the skills of note taking. Although it is in normal speed, it is organized so well that it is not difficult for students to grasp the key points. Meanwhile, it provides students convincing traits that lead to success which are proved by interviews of successful people. On the other hand, it demonstrates a typical way to support one’s idea vividly—exemplification which is also a good choice for students to take in their own speaking and writing.
Ucreate 一起备课 活动设计模板
Exercises 1
Match the 8 traits with persons the lecturer interviewed. Passion Rupert Murdoch Work Alex Garden Good Freeman Thomas & Carol Coletta Focus Bill Gates Push Norman Jewison Serve Joe Kraus Idea David Gallo, Goldie Hawn & Frank Gehry Persist Sherwin Nuland Keys to Exercise 1 Passion Rupert Murdoch Work Alex Garden Good Freeman Thomas & Carol Coletta Focus Bill Gates Push Norman Jewison Serve Joe Kraus Idea David Gallo, Goldie Hawn & Frank Gehry Persist Sherwin Nuland
Exercise 2
And the first thing is passion. Freeman Thomas says, “I’m ___ by my passion.” TED-sters do it for____; they _____do it for ______. Carol Coletta says, I would pay some one to do what I do.” And the interesting thing is: if you do it for love, the money comes anyway.
Work! Rupert Murdoch said to me, “It’s all ________. Nothing comes easily. But I have a lot of fun.” Did he say fun? Rupert? Yes! TED-sters do have fun working. And they __________. I figured, they’re not workaholics. They’re workafrolics.
Good! Alex Garden says, “To be successful ___ your _________ in something and get damn
________it.” There’s no magic; it’s _______,_______, _______.
And it’s focus. Norman Jewison said to me, “I think it all has to do with ________ yourself on __________.”
And push! David Gallo says, “Push yourself. _________________, you’ve gotta push, push, push.” You gotta push through _______ and ________. Goldie Hawn says, “I always had self-doubts.” I wasn’t good enough; I wasn’t smart enough. I didn’t think I’d make it.” Now it’s not always easy to push yourself, and that’s why they invented mothers. Frank Gehry—Frank Gehry said to me, “My mother pushed me.”
Serve! Sherwin Nuland says, “It was a privilege to serve as a doctor.” Now a lot of kids tell me they want to be millionaires. And the first thing I say to them is: “OK, well you can’t serve yourself; you gotta ___________ something of _____. Because that’s the way people really get rich.”
Ideas! TED-ster Bill Gates says, “I had an idea: founding the first micro-computer software company.” I’d say it was a pretty good idea. And there’s ________to _________in coming up with ideas—it’s just doing some very simple things. And I give lots of evidence.
Persist! Joe Kraus says, “Persistence is the number one reason for our success.” You gotta
Ucreate 一起备课 活动设计模板
persist through _______. You gotta persist through crap! Which of course means “________, Rejection, Assholes and ________.”
Video Script
This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes. And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED, seven years ago. And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager, and she came from a really poor family. And she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question. She said, \get off the plane, and I come to TED. And I think, jeez, I'm in the middle of a room of successful people! So why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids? So here we are, seven years, 500 interviews later, and I'm gonna tell you what really leads to success and makes TED-sters tick.
【And the first thing is passion.】Freeman Thomas says, \ TED-sters do it for love; they don't do it for money. Carol Coletta says, \what I do.\
【Work!】Rupert Murdoch said to me, \a lot of fun.\I figured, they're not workaholics. They're workafrolics.
【Good! 】Alex Garden says, \ damn good at it.\
【And it's focus.】Norman Jewison said to me, \think it all has to do with focusing yourself on one thing.\
【And push!】David Gallo says, \yourself. Physically, mentally, you've gotta push, push, push.\You gotta push through shyness and self-doubt. Goldie Hawn says, \always had self-doubts. I wasn't good enough; I wasn't smart enough. I didn't think I'd make it.\always easy to push yourself, and that's why they invented mothers. (Laughter) Frank Gehry -- Frank Gehry said to me, \
【Serve!】Sherwin Nuland says, \ tell me they want to be millionaires. And the first thing I say to them is: \yourself; you gotta serve others something of value. Because that's the way people really get rich.\
【Ideas!】TED-ster Bill Gates says, \had an idea: founding the first micro-computer software company.%up with ideas -- it's just doing some very simple things. And I give lots of evidence.
【Persist!】Joe Kraus says, \is the number one reason for our success.\You
gotta persist through failure. You gotta persist through crap! Which of course means \Rejection, Assholes and Pressure.\Pay 4,000 bucks and come to TED. Or failing that, do the eight things -- and trust me, these are the big eight things that lead to success. Thank you TED-sters for all your interviews!
新视野大学英语读写教程3(第三版)Unit1 Traits leading to success