【期刊名称】《中华小儿外科杂志》 【年(卷),期】2017(038)005
【摘要】Objective To observe the ultrastructures of filum terminale (FT) in fetal spina bifida occulta and provide rationales for its diagnosis and treatment.Methods FTs from 10 fetuses with spina bifida occulta were sectioned into transverse and longitudinal specimens for observations under transmission electron microscope.Results The general appearance of FTs was somewhat similar to a wire with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm.Only one case became thickened.The ultrastructural analysis confirmed abundant collagen arrayed densely and criscrossly inside FTs (n =7) and ruler arrangement and more disordered structure in thicker filum (n =2).Collagen fibers were composed of thinner and parallel fibrils with regular stripes.In addition to capillaries and such nervous tissues as myelin,Schwann cells & vesicles etc,there were some fibroblasts between collagen fibers.Conclusions Both ruler and disorganized arrangements inside FT are found in fetal spina bifida occulta.And lower elastic function of the latter may cause symptoms.%目的 观察隐性脊柱裂胎儿终丝的超微结构,为其临床诊断和治疗提供依据.方法 切除10例流产的隐性脊柱裂胎儿终丝,取其纵、横切面分别置于透射电镜下进行观察.结果 除1例终丝增粗外,余9例终丝表现为均匀一致的细线状,直径约0.5~1mm.9例外观正