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[名校备课]高一英语北师大版必修2同步测试:Unit5 lesson2 Beijing opera

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Unit 5 Rhythm

Lesson 2 Beijing Opera同步辅导与测试

word是一个十分常用的单词,其含义丰富,搭配能力强。为了便于同学们全面掌握其用法,现将其常见用法归纳如下。 一、word的基本含义


The story is told in words and pictures. 讲这个故事的时候配有图片。

It's known that the words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order. 众所周知,词典中的词是按字母顺序排列的。


He didn't say a word about his son's bad manners.他对他儿子无礼貌的行为一句话都没说。

I don't believe a word of his report. 他的报告我一句话都不相信。

You must show your support by deeds, not by words. 你必须用行动支持,不能空口说白话。 3.消息;信息.通常只能用单数,且不能用冠词修饰。如:

Please send me word that you arrive in Paris safely. 请把你平安到达巴黎的消息告诉我。 Word came that the bird flu had been controlled all over China. 有消息说,中国所有地区的禽流感都得到了控制。 二、word构成的习惯搭配

1. be as good as one's word 守信用。如:

You will find that Yang Wei is as good as her word. 你会发现杨维这个人很守信用。 2. address a few words to sb. 对某人讲几句话.如:

Are you free now? I'd like to address a few words to you. 你现在有空吗?我有几句话对你说。

3. break one's word 失信,食言。如:

I think breaking one's word is the worst matter in the world. 我认为失信于他人是世界上最糟糕的事。

4. eat one's words 收回前言,承认说错话。如: At last he ate his words. 最后,他收回了他所说的话。

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5. say the word下命令。如:

If you want me to leave, you only have to say the word. 如果你想让我走,尽管下命令就是了。

6. give one's word保证,担保,允诺。如:

The boy gave his word that he would never be late again. 这个男孩保证他再也不迟到了。 7. have a word with sb. 和某人谈谈。如:

If you are not satisfied with your parents, you'd better find a chance and have a word with them. 如果你对你父母不满,你最好找个时机同他们谈谈。 8. have words with sb. 同某人吵架。如:

Why did you have words with her last night? 你昨晚为何同她吵架? 9. have no words for sth. 无法用语言形容某物。如:

I have no words for his rudeness-he called his father names in public.我简直无法用语言来形容他的粗鲁--他竟然当众大骂他的父亲. 10. keep one's word 守信用,遵守诺言。如:

I believe whatever he says, for he always keeps his word. 无论他说什么我都相信,因为他一直都守信用。

11. match words with deeds 言行一致。如:

You should match words with deeds in life and work. 无论在生活或是工作中,你都应该言行一致。

12. in other words换句话说。如:

The boss gave you a long leave. In other words, you were fired. 老板放你长假。换言之,你被开除了。

13. in word 口头上。如:

You may report it to the director in word. 你可以口头向董事长汇报此事。 14. in a word 总之。如:

In a word, you should take your study seriously.总之,你应该把你的学习当回事。 一、单选:

1. Mr. Baker made himself ____ to everybody at the conference.

A. know B. knowing C. known D. to know

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2. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _____. A. what to choose B. to choose which C. to choose what D. which to choose 3. I think ____ bad manners to talk with your mouth full.

A. this B. it C. that D. 不填 4. Mr. Smith began to learn English _____ when he was ______. A. in the 1950’s; in his sixties B. in 1950; in the sixties C. in the 1950’s; over sixty D. both A and C

5. Though he had often made his sister _____, today, he was made _____ by his little sister. A. cry; cry B. cry; to cry C. crying; crying D. to cry; cry 6. He didn’t know _____ or stay.

A. to leave B. if that he should leave C. if to leave D. whether to leave 7. I was so angry at all _____ he was doing _____ I slapped (抽) his face. A. what; that B. which; that C. that; that D. that; so 8. They are _____ little children that they can’t look after _____ many sheep. A. such; such B. so; so C. such; so D. so; such 9. –I’m not good at basketball, you know.

-- ____ we’re playing for fun. Just try and you’ll see you can do it.

A. Well, it depends B. Take your time C. Come on D. That’s ok 10. – I met Tom last month. -- Really?

-- Yes. We ____ each other since we graduate from college.

A. haven’t met B. hadn’t met C. wouldn’t meet D. didn’t meet Answers: 1-5 C B D DB 6-10 DCC CB 二、完型:

The sun was shining when I got on No. 332 bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the 1 rules. Although we see the same faces every day, we prefer to 2 behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are suing those thin 3 of newsprint to keep their distance.

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As the bus came near the Mile, a 4 suddenly rang out: “ 5! This is your driver speaking.” Stillness, we looked at all the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The 6 came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go 7.”

Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I face an older woman, her head wrapped 8 a red scarf. I saw her nearly every day. Our eyes met. We waited for the next 9 from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning, neighbor!”

Our voices were 10. For many of us, these were the 11 words we had spoken that day. But we said hen together, like 12, to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help 13. there was feeling of relief (解脱), that we were not being 14. But more, there was the sense of ice being 15. “Good morning, neighbor.” It was not so hard after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands, many laughed.

The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t 16 to. Not a single newspaper went 17. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in 18. When I reached my stop, I said 19 to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was 20 off better than most. 1. A. unwritten B. strict C. bus D. city 2. A. read B. sit C. talk D. hide 3. A. piece B. sheets C. maps D. things 4. A. message B. warming C. suggestion D. voice 5. A. Attention B. Minding C. Help D. Listen 6. A. papers B. passengers C. driver D. tears 7. A. on B. round C. ahead D. down 8. A. in B. on C. off D. with 9. A. turn B. talk C. order D. remark 10. A. loud B. neat C. slow D. weak 11. A. first B. last C. best D. only 12. A. passengers B. citizens C. patients D. school children 13. A. shouting B. crying C. smiling D. wondering 14. A. stolen B. robbed C. fought D. commanded 15. A. formed B. heated C. broken D. frozen

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16. A. need B. want C. like D. begin 17. A. wrong B. out C. back up D. along with 18. A. my life B. bus No. 332 C. public D. other words 19. A. good morning B. good-bye C. hello D. thanks 20. A. starting B. seeing C. taking D. turning Answers:

1-5 ADBDA 6-10 ACACD 11-15 ADCBC 16-20 ACBBA 三、阅读:

No one really knows how the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids. But Maureen Clemmons has a theory (理论). She thinks the Egyptians may have used kites.

“If you look at ht top center of every monument (纪念碑), you see wings,” Clemons said. “I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us in pictures for 3,000 years that this is how they built the pyramids.”

She thinks that earliest Egyptian workers might make use of kites to lift the stones with the help of the desert wind. She got a team of aeronautic (航空的) engineers to help her test the theory.

Yesterday, in the Mojave Desert, they put their theory to the test using a nylon kite, three pulleys (滑轮) and an obelisk (石塔) that weighs nearly four tons. The wind speed had to be just right. And amazingly, it worked.

“There’s absolutely no evidence(证据) for kites in ancient Egypt,” said Professor Carol Redmount of the University of California. “There’s no evidence of pulleys as we know them today.”

Redmount says the historical evidence points to the “Charlton Heston method,” which basically relies on the theory of the muscle of slaves pushing and pulling huge stone blocks to create the pyramids.

But the kite-lifting group will have none that.

“All I can remember from history is that Egyptians drank beer for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and as someone who has done field research on drinking beer, I know after I’ve had two beers and it’s really hot. I’m not pushing or pulling anything,” Clemmons said. “So, I figured I’d try to think another way.”

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1. How did Clemmons prove that her idea was reasonable? A. She built a pyramid by using kites

B. She had an argument with Professor Redmount.

C. She persuaded a team of aeronautic engineers to test her idea.

D. She had an experiment done to lift a large stone by using pulleys and a kite. 2. What made Clemmons think of her kite-lifting idea? A. Her job of making kites. B. The discovery of pulleys.

C. The wings on the monuments. D. The Charlton Heston method.

3. Why did Clemmons NOT agree with the theory of the muscle of slaves pushing and pulling stones to create the pyramids?

A. Because at that time no pulleys were used in Egypt.

B. Because of the Egyptians’ habit of drinking beer at three meals and the beer effect on people. C. Because there were no enough slaves to finish the great project. D. Because she knew Charlton Heston very well. 4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. An Unknown Mystery B. Two Different Theories C. Kites and Pyramids D. Kites and Pulleys 答案:1. D 2. C 3.B 4. C

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