龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘 要:随着高校信息化建设的不断深入发展以及移动终端的快速普及,企业微信号已逐渐成为移动校园服务平台的一个重要载体,在信息化建设中占据着非常重要的地位。本文旨在建立一个基于企业微信的智慧校园服务平台,并将其以全新的服务组织和展现方式在企业微信上进行呈现。使其不仅完整覆盖师生衣、食、住、行、产、学、研等各方面所需的服务内容,而且还可以自动识别用户特性,精准、有效地推送用户可能关注的服务应用,使得整个服务过程更高效、服务体验更优质。
中图分类号:TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0119-03 Research and Implementation of the Service Platform of Smart Campus Based on Enterprise WeChat LI Yin
(Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce,Wuxi 214100,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of university information technology and population of mobile terminal equipment coverage,enterprise WeChat plays an important role in informatization,as an important carrier of the mobile platform. This paper focuses on the wisdom of the campus-based enterprise WeChat platform,for rendering the new services organization and the presentation. In this platform,it can thoroughly cover the service content needed in food,clothing,shelter,
transportation,production,science research,and teaching. Meanwhile,provide some automation for identifying the user habits and push notification of the services. Thus,the new platform makes the service more efficient and more perfect.
Keywords:smart campus;enterprise WeChat;one-stop service;data exchange;security policy 0 引 言