考研英语祝贺信小作文 第一部分:表示祝贺
I was very happy to learn that …
I was very delighted to hear the news that…
It is with great pleasure that I hear of your success. Please accept my warmest/heartiest congratulations(最衷心的祝贺).
Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to … 第二部分:表述贺喜内容
How time flies! Here you are graduating from high school and planning to attend the university in the fall. Congratulations on a job well done, and good luck to you during the next four years of university.
第三部分:表达美好祝愿 Wish you good luck!
I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. Happy New Year to you and may each succeeding year bring you greater happiness and prosperity.
高分热文 Dear Mr. John,
Just a note to wish you a very happy new year. May the new year bring you joy, love and peace. My memory of you is one of the most delightful experience I have ever had. I would very much like to continue our friendship.
As another year draws to close, it gives us great pleasure to say how much we have appreciated(感激) working with you over the past twelve months. We sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for years to come.
Our staff here join me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming 精彩译文
寄上简函一封,祝您新年快乐。愿新的一年为您带来幸福、友爱和平安。与您在一起的回忆是我一生中最愉快的经历之一,但愿我们的友谊长青。 又一年即将结束,我们很高兴地看到过去一年我们之间的`合作非常愉快。衷心希望我们之间融洽的业务关系在今后的日子里继续下去。
在此,我和公司的全体员工一道祝您圣诞愉快!新年快乐!生意兴隆! 您真诚的, 李明
考研英语慰问信小作文 必背表达
I’m sorry to learn/hear that…
It is really a pity that you failed in…
Please don’t feel too much distressed(痛苦,紧张) for this frustration.
All of us are waiting for your rapid recovery/return to health(恢复健康).
Please let me know of any assistance I can render you. 高分热文 Dear Mr. John,
I am exceedingly(非常) sorry to hear that your father passed away.The painful news reached us this morning, and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize the fact.
This sad news has put me in full sympathy with(深切同情) you. Your father was an honorable man and tender parent. Everybody who has known him must feel a great loss caused by his death. I quite understand how you feel now, but you are in duty bound to(有义务) look to your own heath and to take care of your family affairs. These would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief.
Please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all I can offer.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming 精彩译文 亲爱的约翰:,
请接受我最深切和最真诚的悼念。 您真诚的, 李明
考研英语申请信小作文 ① 引言
?I am writing in response to your advertisement in … ?I would like to apply for the position of … which you advertised in…