The main reason that most interviewees can’t get the job is that they can’t make the interviewers become confident in them. They failed not because they can’t do the job well, but because they didn’t show their confidence during the interview. They didn’t do self-marketing well. Most people do so because they are nervous, if they can’t get the job after each interview, many people will feel that they are loser and become more anxious. It is not practical. Most interviewers will be refused. Don’t think whether you can get the job or not. You only need to concentrate on interview and try your best, you naturally can get the job.
On the other hand, the last decade also witnessed incessant international and regional hotspots which undermined world peace and stability Development imbalance between the North and the South remained an acute problem. Global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, energy and resources security, serious communicable diseases and major natural disasters raised wide concerns.
Today, we are still confronted with the underlying impact of the financial crisis. Rising commodity prices and inflationary pressure has added to the uncertainties of the world economic recovery. Global financial governance remains a daunting task. The recent political turbulence and even war in some west Asian and north African countries have affected regional stability. There is
indeed a long way to go before lasting peace and common prosperity can be achieved.
在风平浪静的大海上,人人都能掌舵/都是舵手。 风平浪静之时, 人人皆能驾驭船只。
倘只见阳光,不见阴霾,只见愉悦欢笑, 不见悲伤泪泣 , 那么这不是生活的本意。 人生之乐,其实如一团纠结的乱麻。
而今之世,物欲充塞,奢靡成风,我愿告之世人, 内心真正需求之物,本不甚多。
在物欲横流的年代,但愿我能向世人表明:人类的 真正需求少得多么可怜。
There are many complaints about the inaccessibility of medical care and high tuitions. However, another thing that deserves attention is the difficulty of college graduates in getting employed. Those with master’s degrees can no longer find a job as easily as ten years ago. Because of the increasingly intense competition for a position, academic excellence and proficient expertise will not necessarily be translated into an ideal job. Education authorities have been seeking ways to create more opportunities of employment
Part IV
Part V
In the process of finding a job, where there is an interview, there is hope. Whether you succeed or not depends not only on how the interviewers look at your qualifications and you personal qualities, mainly depend on how they evaluate your performance in interviews, therefore, it’s necessary to retreat it as an performance or a contest with the aim to market yourself to the interviewers and make them feel that you are the best to do the job. Most interviewees are in the positive position and try their best to answer all the questions in the interviews. One better way is to control the situation and provide the information that you want to offer, but not the information that they want to find from you: to make them have confidence and absolutely believe that you are the best choice and to make them almost have no reason to believe you can’t do it. Confidence not only comes from your answers, also from your appearance and your enthusiasm, energy, confidence, personal quality and ambition. The main reason that most interviewees can’t get the job is that they can’t make the interviewers become confident in them. They failed not because they can’t do the job well, but because they didn’t show their confidence during the interview. They didn’t do self-marketing well. Most people do so because they are nervous, if they can’t get the job after each interview, many people will feel that they are loser and become more anxious. It is not practical. Most interviewers will be refused. Don’t think whether you can get the job or not. You only need to concentrate on interview and try your best, you naturally can get the job.
苏旺 指导老师:汪小飞
(黄山学院生命与环境科学学院,安徽 黄山245041)
摘 要:本文分析了规则式植物造景和自然式植物造景,和他们各自的造景特色和主要适
Analysis of rule-plant landscaping and
nature plant landscape
Su Wang Director:Wang Xiaofei
(College of Life & Environmental Sciences, Huangshan University,
Huangshan245041, China)
Abstract:This article analyses the rules scene building with plants and nature plant landscape, and their landscape and mainly used on occasion.Discusses rules for scene building with plants and nature plant landscape landscape including the two forms as well as their gardening system, on the presentation of different points.Describes them in the various countries, geographical features.Finally we should be appropriate to use various landscape forms.
Keyword:Rules-plant landscaping, nature plant landscape
规则式植物造景常用于规则式园林和需要庄重的场合,如寺庙、陵墓、广场、道路、入口以及大型建筑周围等。法国、意大利、荷兰等国的古典园林中,植物景观主要是规则式的,植物被整形修剪成各种几何形体以及鸟兽形态,与规则式建筑的线条、外形,乃至体量协调统一。古埃及园林、古希腊园林、古罗马园林、文艺复兴时法国园林等植物景观都是规则式的。西方古典园林植物造景受到唯理思想的影响,采用完全规则式的配置方式,整齐一律,均衡对称。植物采用中轴线左右对称,均衡布置,植物在种类、株数、体量、大小、高矮选择上都与中轴线呈对称布置;草坪和花圃,被分割成各种几何形状的板块,甚至树木本身也被修剪成规则式的,如凡尔赛宫成排树木沿中轴线规则排布,密植的树木修剪成的树墙,给人以有序整齐视觉感受。 古罗马园林很重视植物造型的运用, 有专门的园丁从事这项工作。造型初期只是将一些萌芽力强、枝叶繁茂的常绿植物修剪成篱, 以后日益发展, 将植物修剪成各种几何图形、文字、图案, 甚至一些复杂的牧人或动物的形象。常用的植物为黄杨、紫杉和柏树。又如文艺复兴时期意大利台地园及法国18 世纪园林中都有大量的规整式植物造型。规则式的园林景观给人以雄伟气魄之感。西方古典园林植物造景中兴盛迷园的建造。例如, 罗马园林中的迷园内有图案复杂的小径,有的用大理石铺路, 有的用草皮铺路, 以修剪的绿篱围在道路两侧, 形成图案复杂的通道, 成为园中娱乐的一个地方。