浙江广播电视大学 英语专业(开放本科)
The candidate has score Designed pre-reading activities 2 Marked these clearly on the form 2 Given their objectives 2 Written the activities out in full in the answer sheet 2 Given them an appropriate timing 2 Designed pre-reading activities appropriate to the text 4 Designed while-reading activities 2 Marked these clearly on the form 2 Given their objectives 4 Written the activities out in full in the answer sheet 2 Given them an appropriate timing 2 Designed while-reading activities appropriate to the 6 text Designed post-reading activities 2 Marked these clearly on the form 2 Given their objectives 2 Written the activities out in full in the answer sheet 2 Given them an appropriate timing 2 Designed post-reading activities appropriate to the text 4 Designed post-reading activities that consolidate the 2 language taught in the text Included a key if it is appropriate, or not if 2 appropriate Given the interaction patterns for every activity 2 Given interaction patterns suitable for the activities 2 Designed activities interesting for the students 6 Included the training of skimming skills 4 Included the training of scanning skills 4 Included the training of reading for detail 4 Included the training or inferring the author’s meaning 4 Included appropriate vocabulary development skills 4 Given clear instructions for a teacher to follow 4 Numbered all the activities clearly 2 Used a wide variety of activities 6 Shown that she/he has understood the teaching 6 methodology taught in this course by applying the principles of the Communicative Approach total 100