202003考试批次 《英语商务通论》结课作业
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一、论文题目 1、The Impact of Cultural Differences upon Chinese and Western Business Activities.(文化差异对中西商务活动的影响)
2、Under the globalization, the new development trends of the international trade.(全球化潮流下国际贸易发展趋势)
3、On the Skill of International Business Negotiation. (浅谈国际商务谈判中的技巧) 4、The Differences between Chinese and Western Business Etiquette.(浅谈中西方商务礼仪差异) 5、A study on English business negotiations from the politeness principle.(礼貌原则视角下的商务英语谈判)
The Impact of Cultural Differences upon Chinese and
Western Business Activities
Cultural difference is a barrier of international business which people have to astride it , in purpose to achieve the efficient business communication .The text will discuss the difference between Chinese and Western from view of value , business etiquette and negotiation ,then find out how the impact of cultural differences to business activities .
Cultural value , Cultural differences , Business communication
With the acceleration of globalization , the business activities have expanded to outside country . Because of the rapidly development of internet , it’s much help with immediate communication , but there still an invisible barrier of cultural differences, it could be effect to the communication directly . 1.The understanding of culture and value
Culture is the sum total of material and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical development. Any kind of human activity, it is presentation of kind of culture . Due to the geography & history reason , the difference happened between different countries .
The value was created based on different cultural background and understanding of varies of thing , it governs people's beliefs, attitudes and behavior . 2.Comparison of Chinese and western cultural values
China is emphasizes collectivism, while the western is more respectful of individual values and pursues meritocracy.Chinese thinkers advocate \as the foundation\emphasize the importance of \When we are children , the people have been required to do things according to rules and regulations, while western education pays more attention to children's risk and innovation spirit.This kind of different culture system affects the management mode and behavior of Chinese and western enterprises imperceptibly.
3.The impact of internal business of cultural differences (1) Business etiquette
Business etiquettemeans the behavior in business activities. Good etiquette is a
奥鹏北语202003考试批次《英语商务通论》The Impact of Cultural Differences upon