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天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞

play table tennis 打乒乓球 go swimming 去游泳

go bike-riding骑自行车 ride a horse 骑马

fly a kite 放风筝 open the door开门 cook 做饭 feed a bird 喂鸟

play the piano 弹钢琴 play the guitar 弹吉他 paint your own face画脸 句型:

What’s next 下一个是什么

It’s the rabbit and the turtle . 这是兔子和乌龟

How do you spell turtle Turtle怎么拼 T-U-R-T-L-E.

What often do you do on children’s day 儿童节你经常干什么

I often go boating .我经常划船。

Unit14 A birthday party. 短语:

make a birthday cake做生日蛋糕 light candles 点蜡烛 give a present 给礼物

sing a birthday song 唱生日歌 make a wish 许愿 blow out candles吹蜡烛 cut the cake 切蛋糕 eat the cake 吃蛋糕 句型:

Wow ! What a beautiful cake ! 哇!多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!

A birthday for me 我的生日吗 Yes .是的

Unit15 Fun in the playground.


Throw the Shuttlecock扔羽毛球 Feather Race羽毛比赛

Mimic the Animals Sound 模仿动物的声音Back to Back Stand背靠背站着 ThreeLeg Running三条腿跑

Musical Islands音乐之岛 Bear Walk熊步 Kangaroo Walk袋鼠步 Rabbit Hop兔子

跳 Elephant Walk大象步 Frog Hop蛙跳 Throw扔 Stand站 句型:

can jump highest 谁能跳得更高 can run fastest 谁能跑得最快 can stand on one leg for a minute 谁能用一条腿站立坚持一分钟

Unit16 I can! You can! Everybody can! 单词:

Animal动物 numbers数字 clothes衣服 fruits水果 food食物 vegetables蔬菜 colours颜色 shapes形状 句型:

can say a chant 我们能说一个歌谣 can mime the actions我们能模仿动作

can colour this picture我能给这幅画图上颜色 can make words with these letters 我能用这些字母组单词

can tell you riddles我能说谜语 can sing a song 我们会唱歌 wants to be the nextYes,please! 谁想成为下一个好,请!



