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This reading-room is very like it. 这个阅览室太漂亮了,我喜欢它。

I like this room, come here every day. 我也喜欢这个房间,我每天都来这里。 Is it ok to say this这样说行吗 PardonWhat did you say什么你说什么 What books do you like reading 你喜欢看什么书

I like picture books.我喜欢画书 Which book would you like to read 你喜欢看哪种书

I’d like to read a book on animals. 我喜欢看关于动物方面的书。 I love animals.我爱动物 我喜欢看关于动物方面的书。 I love animals.我爱动物

Unit8 Our colour fair.


’m learning become put the colours in my know them all by heart. 我正在学习颜色,我变聪明,我把这些颜色记到脑子里了,我用心记住它们。 coloured balloon do you want 你想要哪种颜色的气球 ,,please.


colour parrot do you likeI like this blue parrot! 你喜欢哪种颜色的鹦鹉我喜欢蓝色的。 colour do you want to seeRed! 想看到什么颜色红色。

Unit9 Let us smell the flowers. 单词:

riding a bike 骑自行车

playing on the see-saw玩跷跷板

talking 说话 shining 照耀 painting a picture 画画

catching a butterfly 捉蝴蝶

kicking a ball踢球 having lunch 吃午饭 taking a photo照相 smelling the flowers闻花香 句型:

It’s a nice day ,isn’t it 今天是个好天气,不是吗 Yes ,it is .是的,是。

Look,lots of children are playing in the park .看,很多孩子在公园里玩。Yes ,they are smelling the flowers . 是的,它们在闻花香。

Let’s go and join them .咱们去加入。 Good idea . Let’s go .好主意,走吧。

Unit10 Numbers in our lives. 单词:

Phone numbers电话号码 your birthday你的生日

Room number房间号 Lucky number幸运数字 Car number 车牌号 Flat number公寓号 Classroom number教室号 Mother’s birthday妈妈的生日 Mobile phone number 手机号 Street number 街道号码 Fax number 传真号 Page number 页码 句型:

Have you ever read this book What’s it about 你曾经读过这本书吗它是关于什么的 It’s about…它是关于…

Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites. 句型:

What can you see in the park


I can see an old man and a young boy. 我能看到一位老年人和一个年轻男孩 Part 5 chant 会背

Unit12 I likepaper-folding lessons. 单词:

circle 圆 ring 圆 square正方形triangle 三角形pentagon五边形 句型:

May I…… 我可以……吗 Here you are! 给你! There be 句型巩固

Unit13 Happy Children’s Day. 短语:

see a puppet show 看木偶剧 go boating 去划船

矩形 star 星形 rectangle



